Microsoft365R - Interface to the 'Microsoft 365' Suite of Cloud Services
An interface to the 'Microsoft 365' (formerly known as 'Office 365') suite of cloud services, building on the framework supplied by the 'AzureGraph' package. Enables access from R to data stored in 'Teams', 'SharePoint Online' and 'OneDrive', including the ability to list drive folder contents, upload and download files, send messages, and retrieve data lists. Also provides a full-featured 'Outlook' email client, with the ability to send emails and manage emails and mail folders.
Last updated 11 months ago
11.18 score 320 stars 7 dependents 126 scripts 4.0k downloadsAzureStor - Storage Management in 'Azure'
Manage storage in Microsoft's 'Azure' cloud: <>. On the admin side, 'AzureStor' includes features to create, modify and delete storage accounts. On the client side, it includes an interface to blob storage, file storage, and 'Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2': upload and download files and blobs; list containers and files/blobs; create containers; and so on. Authenticated access to storage is supported, via either a shared access key or a shared access signature (SAS). Part of the 'AzureR' family of packages.
Last updated 2 years ago
10.54 score 64 stars 4 dependents 244 scripts 18k downloadsAzureAuth - Authentication Services for Azure Active Directory
Provides Azure Active Directory (AAD) authentication functionality for R users of Microsoft's 'Azure' cloud <>. Use this package to obtain 'OAuth' 2.0 tokens for services including Azure Resource Manager, Azure Storage and others. It supports both AAD v1.0 and v2.0, as well as multiple authentication methods, including device code and resource owner grant. Tokens are cached in a user-specific directory obtained using the 'rappdirs' package. The interface is based on the 'OAuth' framework in the 'httr' package, but customised and streamlined for Azure. Part of the 'AzureR' family of packages.
Last updated 3 years ago
10.36 score 43 stars 23 dependents 57 scripts 45k downloadsAzureGraph - Simple Interface to 'Microsoft Graph'
A simple interface to the 'Microsoft Graph' API <>. 'Graph' is a comprehensive framework for accessing data in various online Microsoft services. This package was originally intended to provide an R interface only to the 'Azure Active Directory' part, with a view to supporting interoperability of R and 'Azure': users, groups, registered apps and service principals. However it has since been expanded into a more general tool for interacting with Graph. Part of the 'AzureR' family of packages.
Last updated 1 years ago
10.29 score 32 stars 21 dependents 36 scripts 45k downloadsAzureRMR - Interface to 'Azure Resource Manager'
A lightweight but powerful R interface to the 'Azure Resource Manager' REST API. The package exposes a comprehensive class framework and related tools for creating, updating and deleting 'Azure' resource groups, resources and templates. While 'AzureRMR' can be used to manage any 'Azure' service, it can also be extended by other packages to provide extra functionality for specific services. Part of the 'AzureR' family of packages.
Last updated 1 years ago
9.85 score 19 stars 12 dependents 51 scripts 40k downloadsazuremlsdk - Interface to the 'Azure Machine Learning' 'SDK'
Interface to the 'Azure Machine Learning' Software Development Kit ('SDK'). Data scientists can use the 'SDK' to train, deploy, automate, and manage machine learning models on the 'Azure Machine Learning' service. To learn more about 'Azure Machine Learning' visit the website: <>.
Last updated 2 years ago
8.91 score 106 stars 221 scripts 365 downloadsAzureContainers - Interface to 'Container Instances', 'Docker Registry' and 'Kubernetes' in 'Azure'
An interface to container functionality in Microsoft's 'Azure' cloud: <>. Manage 'Azure Container Instance' (ACI), 'Azure Container Registry' (ACR) and 'Azure Kubernetes Service' (AKS) resources, push and pull images, and deploy services. On the client side, lightweight shells to the 'docker', 'docker-compose', 'kubectl' and 'helm' commandline tools are provided. Part of the 'AzureR' family of packages.
Last updated 2 years ago
6.45 score 25 stars 57 scripts 873 downloadsAzureCognitive - Interface to Azure Cognitive Services
An interface to Azure Cognitive Services <>. Both an 'Azure Resource Manager' interface, for deploying Cognitive Services resources, and a client framework are supplied. While 'AzureCognitive' can be called by the end-user, it is meant to provide a foundation for other packages that will support specific services, like Computer Vision, Custom Vision, language translation, and so on. Part of the 'AzureR' family of packages.
Last updated 4 years ago
5.52 score 11 stars 1 dependents 4 scripts 714 downloadsAzureKeyVault - Key and Secret Management in 'Azure'
Manage keys, certificates, secrets, and storage accounts in Microsoft's 'Key Vault' service: <>. Provides facilities to store and retrieve secrets, use keys to encrypt, decrypt, sign and verify data, and manage certificates. Integrates with the 'AzureAuth' package to enable authentication with a certificate, and with the 'openssl' package for importing and exporting cryptographic objects. Part of the 'AzureR' family of packages.
Last updated 2 years ago
5.41 score 16 stars 11 scripts 2.9k downloadsAzureKusto - Interface to 'Kusto'/'Azure Data Explorer'
An interface to 'Azure Data Explorer', also known as 'Kusto', a fast, distributed data exploration service from Microsoft: <>. Includes 'DBI' and 'dplyr' interfaces, with the latter modelled after the 'dbplyr' package, whereby queries are translated from R into the native 'KQL' query language and executed lazily. On the admin side, the package extends the object framework provided by 'AzureRMR' to support creation and deletion of databases, and management of database principals. Part of the 'AzureR' family of packages.
Last updated 1 years ago
5.15 score 18 stars 9 scripts 1.6k downloadsAzureVM - Virtual Machines in 'Azure'
Functionality for working with virtual machines (VMs) in Microsoft's 'Azure' cloud: <>. Includes facilities to deploy, startup, shutdown, and cleanly delete VMs and VM clusters. Deployment configurations can be highly customised, and can make use of existing resources as well as creating new ones. A selection of predefined configurations is provided to allow easy deployment of commonly used Linux and Windows images, including Data Science Virtual Machines. With a running VM, execute scripts and install optional extensions. Part of the 'AzureR' family of packages.
Last updated 2 years ago
5.05 score 14 stars 16 scripts 717 downloadsAzureVision - Interface to Azure Computer Vision Services
An interface to 'Azure Computer Vision' <> and 'Azure Custom Vision' <>, building on the low-level functionality provided by the 'AzureCognitive' package. These services allow users to leverage the cloud to carry out visual recognition tasks using advanced image processing models, without needing powerful hardware of their own. Part of the 'AzureR' family of packages.
Last updated 4 years ago
5.00 score 5 stars 8 scripts 656 downloadsAzureCosmosR - Interface to the 'Azure Cosmos DB' 'NoSQL' Database Service
An interface to 'Azure CosmosDB': <>. On the admin side, 'AzureCosmosR' provides functionality to create and manage 'Cosmos DB' instances in Microsoft's 'Azure' cloud. On the client side, it provides an interface to the 'Cosmos DB' SQL API, letting the user store and query documents and attachments in 'Cosmos DB'. Part of the 'AzureR' family of packages.
Last updated 4 years ago
4.48 score 6 stars 7 scripts 651 downloadsAzureTableStor - Interface to the Table Storage Service in 'Azure'
An interface to the table storage service in 'Azure': <>. Supplies functionality for reading and writing data stored in tables, both as part of a storage account and from a 'CosmosDB' database with the table service API. Part of the 'AzureR' family of packages.
Last updated 4 years ago
4.30 score 4 stars 8 scripts 645 downloadsAzureQstor - Interface to 'Azure Queue Storage'
An interface to 'Azure Queue Storage'. This is a cloud service for storing large numbers of messages, for example from automated sensors, that can be accessed remotely via authenticated calls using HTTP or HTTPS. Queue storage is often used to create a backlog of work to process asynchronously. Part of the 'AzureR' family of packages.
Last updated 4 years ago
4.18 score 3 stars 8 scripts 575 downloadsAzureVMmetadata - Interface to Azure Virtual Machine Instance Metadata
A simple interface to the instance metadata for a virtual machine running in Microsoft's 'Azure' cloud. This provides information about the VM's configuration, such as its processors, memory, networking, storage, and so on. Part of the 'AzureR' family of packages.
Last updated 2 years ago
3.30 score 2 stars 628 downloads