Package: AzureKusto

Alex Kyllo

AzureKusto: Interface to 'Kusto'/'Azure Data Explorer'

An interface to 'Azure Data Explorer', also known as 'Kusto', a fast, distributed data exploration service from Microsoft: <>. Includes 'DBI' and 'dplyr' interfaces, with the latter modelled after the 'dbplyr' package, whereby queries are translated from R into the native 'KQL' query language and executed lazily. On the admin side, the package extends the object framework provided by 'AzureRMR' to support creation and deletion of databases, and management of database principals. Part of the 'AzureR' family of packages.

Authors:Hong Ooi [aut], Alex Kyllo [aut, cre], dbplyr development team [cph], Microsoft [cph]

AzureKusto.pdf |AzureKusto.html
AzureKusto/json (API)

# Install 'AzureKusto' in R:
install.packages('AzureKusto', repos = c('', ''))

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5.19 score 18 stars 9 scripts 1.7k downloads 70 exports 35 dependencies

Last updated 1 years agofrom:464147550a. Checks:5 OK, 3 NOTE. Indexed: yes.

TargetResultLatest binary
Doc / VignettesOKFeb 22 2025
R-4.5-winNOTEFeb 22 2025
R-4.5-macNOTEFeb 22 2025
R-4.5-linuxNOTEFeb 22 2025
R-4.4-winOKFeb 22 2025
R-4.4-macOKFeb 22 2025
R-4.3-winOKFeb 22 2025
R-4.3-macOKFeb 22 2025




Rendered fromAzureKusto.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Feb 22 2025.

Last update: 2023-01-25
Started: 2019-04-15

Readme and manuals

Help Manual

Help pageTopics
Append a join operation to the tbl_kusto object's ops listadd_op_join
Append a set operation to the tbl_kusto object's ops listadd_op_set_op
Append an operation representing a single-table verb to the tbl_kusto object's ops listadd_op_single
Kusto/Azure Data Explorer cluster resource classaz_kusto create_database delete_database get_database list_databases
Kusto/Azure Data Explorer database resource classaz_kusto_database
DBI interface: connect to a Kusto clusterAzureKusto AzureKusto-connection dbCanConnect,AzureKustoDriver-method dbConnect,AzureKustoDriver-method dbDisconnect,AzureKustoDriver-method
Aggregation function translationsbase_agg
Scalar operator translations (infix and prefix)base_scalar
Window function translationsbase_window
Build a KQL string.build_kql
Compile the preceding dplyr operations into a kusto query, execute it on the remote server, and return the result as a tibble.collect.tbl_kusto
Execute the query, store the results in a table, and return a reference to the new tablecompute.tbl_kusto
This function uploads a local data frame into a remote data source, creating the table definition as needed. If the table exists, it will append the data to the existing table. If not, it will create a new table.copy_to.kusto_database_endpoint
Create Kusto/Azure Data Explorer clustercreate_azure_data_explorer create_kusto_cluster
DBI methods for Kusto queries and commandsdbColumnInfo,AzureKustoResult-method dbExecute,AzureKustoConnection,character-method dbFetch,AzureKustoResult-method dbGetQuery,AzureKustoConnection,character-method dbListFields,AzureKustoConnection,character-method dbSendQuery,AzureKustoConnection-method dbSendStatement,AzureKustoConnection,character-method
DBI methods for Kusto table managementdbCreateTable,AzureKustoConnection-method dbExistsTable,AzureKustoConnection,ANY-method dbListTables,AzureKustoConnection-method dbReadTable,AzureKustoConnection,character-method dbRemoveTable,AzureKustoConnection,ANY-method dbWriteTable,AzureKustoConnection,ANY-method
Delete Kusto/Azure Data Explorer clusterdelete_azure_data_explorer delete_kusto_cluster delete_kusto_cluster,
Escape/quote a string.escape kql_vector
Execute the Kusto query and export the result to Azure Storage.export export.kusto_database_endpoint export.tbl_kusto
Walks the tree of ops and builds a stack.flatten_query
Get existing Kusto/Azure Data Explorer clusterget_azure_data_explorer get_kusto_cluster
Manage AAD authentication tokens for Kusto clustersdelete_kusto_token get_kusto_token list_kusto_tokens
Flag a character string as a Kusto identifierident
Pass an already-escaped string to Kustoident_q
Ingestion functions for Kustoingest_adls1 ingest_adls2 ingest_blob ingest_local ingest_url
Join methods for Kusto tablesanti_join anti_join.tbl_kusto_abstract full_join full_join.tbl_kusto_abstract inner_join inner_join.tbl_kusto_abstract left_join left_join.tbl_kusto_abstract right_join right_join.tbl_kusto_abstract semi_join semi_join.tbl_kusto_abstract
Information functionsis_kusto_cluster is_kusto_database
Tag character strings as Kusto Query Language. Assumes the string is valid and properly escaped.kql
Return a function representing a KQL aggregation functionkql_aggregate
Build the tbl object into a data structure representing a Kusto querykql_build
dplyr's mutate verb can include aggregations, but Kusto's extend verb cannot. If the mutate contains no aggregations, then it can emit an extend clause. If the mutate contains an aggregation and the tbl is ungrouped, then it must emit a summarize clause grouped by all variables. If the mutate contains an aggregation and the tbl is grouped, then it must join to a subquery containing the summarize clause.kql_build.op_mutate
Escape a Kusto identifier with [' ']kql_escape_ident
Pass through an already-escaped Kusto identifierkql_escape_ident_q
Escape a Kusto logical value. Converts TRUE/FALSE to true / falsekql_escape_logical
Escape a Kusto string by single-quotingkql_escape_string
Return a function representing a scalar KQL infix operatorkql_infix
Return a function representing a scalar KQL prefix functionkql_prefix
Render a set of operations on a tbl_kusto_abstract to a Kusto querykql_render
Build a kql_variant class out of the environments holding scalar and aggregation function definitionskql_translate_env
Builds an environment from a list of R -> Kusto query language translation pairs.kql_translator
Return a function representing a KQL window functionkql_window
Endpoints for communicating with a Kusto databasekusto_database_endpoint
Execute the query, store the results in a table, and return a reference to the new table Run a Kusto query and export results to Azure Storage in Parquet or CSV format.kusto_export_cmd
DBI interface to KustoAzureKusto_dbi kusto-DBI kusto_dbi
Nest method for Kusto tablesnest.tbl_kusto_abstract
The "base case" operation representing the tbl itself and its column variablesop_base
A double-table verb, e.g. joins, setopsop_double
Look up the applicable grouping variables for an operation based on the data source and preceding sequence of operationsop_grps
A class representing a single-table verbop_single
Look up the applicable variables in scope for a given operation based on the data source and preceding sequence of operationsop_vars
Run a query or command against a Kusto databaserun_query
Translate a sequence of dplyr operations on a tbl into a Kusto query string.show_query.tbl_kusto_abstract
Summarise method for Kusto tablessummarise.tbl_kusto_abstract
A tbl object representing a table in a Kusto database.tbl_kusto
Translate R expressions into Kusto Query Language equivalents.translate_kql
Unnest method for Kusto tablesunnest.tbl_kusto_abstract