Package 'AzureVision'

Title: Interface to Azure Computer Vision Services
Description: An interface to 'Azure Computer Vision' <> and 'Azure Custom Vision' <>, building on the low-level functionality provided by the 'AzureCognitive' package. These services allow users to leverage the cloud to carry out visual recognition tasks using advanced image processing models, without needing powerful hardware of their own. Part of the 'AzureR' family of packages.
Authors: Hong Ooi [aut, cre], Microsoft [cph]
Maintainer: Hong Ooi <>
License: MIT + file LICENSE
Built: 2025-02-22 03:39:50 UTC

Help Index

Add and remove regions from images


Add and remove regions from images


add_image_regions(project, image_ids, regions)

remove_image_regions(project, image_ids, region_ids = NULL)

identify_regions(project, image)



A Custom Vision object detection project.


For add_image_regions and remove_image_regions, the IDs of the images for which to add or remove regions.


For add_image_regions, the regions to add. See 'Details' below.


For remove_image_regions, a vector of region IDs. This is an alternative to image ID for specifying the regions to remove; if this is provided, image_ids is not used.


For identify_regions, an image for which to identify possible regions in which an object exists. This can be the ID of an image that was previously uploaded to the project; if not, the image is uploaded. Otherwise, see add_images for how to specify an image to upload.


add_image_regions and remove_image_regions let you specify the regions in an image that contain an object. You can use identify_regions to have Custom Vision try to guess the regions for an image.

The regions to add should be specified as a list of data frames, with one data frame per image. Each data frame should have one row per region, and the following columns:

  • left, top, width, height: the location and dimensions of the region bounding box, normalised to be between 0 and 1.

  • tag: the name of the tag to associate with the region. Any other columns in the data frame will be ignored.


For add_image_regions, a data frame containing the details on the added regions.

For remove_image_regions, the value of image_ids invisibly, if this argument was provided; NULL otherwise.

For identify_regions, a list with the following components: projectId, the ID of the project; imageId, the ID of the image; and proposals, a data frame containing the coordinates of each identified region along with a confidence score.

See Also

add_images, add_tags

add_image_tags for classification projects


## Not run: 

img_ids <- add_images(myproj, c("catanddog.jpg", "cat.jpg", "dog.jpg"))

regions <- list(
        tag=c("cat", "dog"),
        left=c(0.1, 0.5),
        top=c(0.25, 0.28),
        width=c(0.24, 0.21),
        height=c(0.7, 0.6)
        tag="cat", left=0.5, top=0.35, width=0.25, height=0.62
        tag="dog", left=0.07, top=0.12, width=0.79, height=0.5

add_image_regions(myproj, img_ids, regions)
remove_image_regions(myproj, img_ids[3])
add_image_regions(myproj, img_ids[3],
        tag="dog", left=0.5, top=0.12, width=0.4, height=0.7

## End(Not run)

Tag and untag images uploaded to a project


Tag and untag images uploaded to a project


add_image_tags(project, image_ids, tags)

## S3 method for class 'classification_project'
add_image_tags(project, image_ids = list_images(project, "untagged"), tags)

remove_image_tags(project, image_ids = list_images(project, "tagged", as =
  "ids"), tags = list_tags(project, as = "ids"))



a Custom Vision classification project.


The IDs of the images to tag or untag.


For add_image_tags, the tag labels to add to the images. For remove_image_tags, the tags (either text labels or IDs) to remove from images. The default for untagging is to remove all assigned tags.


add_image_tags is for tagging images that were uploaded previously, while remove_image_tags untags them. Adding tags does not remove previously assigned ones. Similarly, removing one tag from an image leaves any other tags intact.

Tags can be specified in the following ways:

  • For a regular classification project (one tag per image), as a vector of strings. The tags will be applied to the images in order. If the length of the vector is 1, it will be recycled to the length of image_ids.

  • For a multilabel classification project (multiple tags per image), as a list of vectors of strings. Each vector in the list contains the tags to be assigned to the corresponding image. If the length of the list is 1, it will be recycled to the length of image_ids.

If the length of the vector is 1, it will be recycled to the length of image_ids.


The vector of IDs for the images affected, invisibly.

See Also

add_images, add_tags

add_image_regions for object detection projects


## Not run: 

imgs <- dir("path/to/images", full.names=TRUE)
img_ids <- add_images(myproj, imgs)
add_image_tags(myproj, "mytag")
remove_image_tags(myproj, img_ids[1])
add_image_tags(myproj, img_ids[1], "myothertag")

## End(Not run)

Add, list and remove images for a project


Add, list and remove images for a project


add_images(project, ...)

## S3 method for class 'classification_project'
add_images(project, images, tags = NULL, ...)

## S3 method for class 'object_detection_project'
add_images(project, images, regions = NULL, ...)

list_images(project, include = c("all", "tagged", "untagged"),
  as = c("ids", "dataframe", "list"), iteration = NULL)

remove_images(project, image_ids = list_images(project, "untagged", as =
  "ids"), confirm = TRUE)



A Custom Vision project.


Arguments passed to lower-level functions.


For add_images, the images to add (upload) to the project.


Optional tags to add to the images. Only for classification projects.


Optional list of regions in the images that contain objects. Only for object detection projects.


For list_images, which images to include in the list: untagged, tagged, or both (the default).


For list_images, the return value: a vector of image IDs, a data frame of image metadata, or a list of metadata.


For list_images, the iteration ID (roughly, which model generation to use). Defaults to the latest iteration.


For remove_images, the IDs of the images to remove from the project.


For remove_images, whether to ask for confirmation first.


The images to be uploaded can be specified as:

  • A vector of local filenames. JPG, PNG and GIF file formats are supported.

  • A vector of publicly accessible URLs.

  • A raw vector, or a list of raw vectors, holding the binary contents of the image files.

Uploaded images can also have tags added (for a classification project) or regions (for an object detection project). Classification tags can be specified in the following ways:

  • For a regular classification project (one tag per image), as a vector of strings. The tags will be applied to the images in order. If the length of the vector is 1, it will be recycled to the length of image_ids.

  • For a multilabel classification project (multiple tags per image), as a list of vectors of strings. Each vector in the list contains the tags to be assigned to the corresponding image. If the length of the list is 1, it will be recycled to the length of image_ids.

If the length of the vector is 1, it will be recycled to the length of image_ids.

Object detection projects also have tags, but they are specified as part of the regions argument. The regions to add should be specified as a list of data frames, with one data frame per image. Each data frame should have one row per region, and the following columns:

  • left, top, width, height: the location and dimensions of the region bounding box, normalised to be between 0 and 1.

  • tag: the name of the tag to associate with the region.

Any other columns in the data frame will be ignored. If the length of the list is 1, it will be recycled to the length of image_ids.

Note that once uploaded, images are identified only by their ID; there is no general link back to the source filename or URL. If you don't include tags or regions in the add_images call, be sure to save the returned IDs and then call add_image_tags or add_image_regions as appropriate.


For add_images, the vector of IDs of the uploaded images.

For list_images, based on the value of the as argument. The default is a vector of image IDs; as="list" returns a (nested) list of image metadata with one component per image; and as="dataframe" returns the same metadata but reshaped into a data frame.

See Also

add_image_tags and add_image_regions to add tags and regions to images, if not done at upload time

add_tags, list_tags, remove_tags



## Not run: 

endp <- customvision_training_endpoint(url="endpoint_url", key="key")

# classification
proj1 <- create_classification_project(endp, "myproject")
imgs <- dir("path/to/images", full.names=TRUE)

# recycling: apply one tag to all images
add_images(proj1, imgs, tags="mytag")
list_images(proj1, include="tagged", as="dataframe")

# different tags per image
add_images(proj1, c("cat.jpg", "dog.jpg", tags=c("cat", "dog"))

# adding online images
host <- ""
img_urls <- paste0(host, c("img1.jpg", "img2.jpg", "img3.jpg"))
add_images(proj1, img_urls, tags="mytag")

# multiple label classification
proj2 <- create_classification_project(endp, "mymultilabelproject", multiple_tags=TRUE)

add_images(proj2, imgs, tags=list(c("tag1", "tag2")))
add_images(proj2, c("catanddog.jpg", "cat.jpg", "dog.jpg"),
        c("cat", "dog"),

# object detection
proj3 <- create_object_detection_project(endp, "myobjdetproj")

regions <- list(
        tag=c("cat", "dog"),
        left=c(0.1, 0.5),
        top=c(0.25, 0.28),
        width=c(0.24, 0.21),
        height=c(0.7, 0.6)
        tag="cat", left=0.5, top=0.35, width=0.25, height=0.62
        tag="dog", left=0.07, top=0.12, width=0.79, height=0.5
add_images(proj3, c("catanddog.jpg", "cat.jpg", "dog.jpg"), regions=regions)

## End(Not run)

Add, retrieve and remove tags for a project


Add, retrieve and remove tags for a project


add_tags(project, tags)

add_negative_tag(project, negative_name = "_negative_")

list_tags(project, as = c("names", "ids", "dataframe", "list"),
  iteration = NULL)

get_tag(project, name = NULL, id = NULL, iteration = NULL)

remove_tags(project, tags, confirm = TRUE)



A Custom Vision project.


For add_tags, a vector of strings to treat as tags.


For add_negative_tag, the label to provide a negative tag. See 'Negative tags' below.


For list_tags, the format in which to return results: a vector of tag names, a vector of tag IDs, a data frame of metadata, or a list of metadata.


For list_tags and get_tag, the iteration ID (roughly, which model generation to use). Defaults to the latest iteration.

name, id

For get_tag, the name (text string) for a tag, and its ID. Provide one or the other, but not both.


For remove_tags, whether to ask for confirmation first.


Tags are the labels attached to images for use in classification projects. An image can have one or multiple tags associated with it; however, the latter only makes sense if the project is setup for multi-label classification.

Tags form part of the metadata for a Custom Vision project, and have to be explicitly defined prior to use. Each tag has a corresponding ID which is used to manage it. In general, you can let AzureVision handle the details of managing tags and tag IDs.


add_tags and add_negative_tag return a data frame containing the names and IDs of the tags added.

Negative tags

A negative tag is a special tag that represents the absence of any other tag. For example, if a project is classifying images into cats and dogs, an image that doesn't contain either a cat or dog should be given a negative tag. This can be distinguished from an untagged image, where there is no information at all on what it contains.

You can add a negative tag to a project with the add_negative_tag method. Once defined, a negative tag is treated like any other tag. A project can only have one negative tag defined.

See Also

add_image_tags, remove_image_tags


## Not run: 

add_tags(myproj, "newtag")
remove_tags(myproj, "_negative_")
add_negative_tag(myproj, "nothing")

## End(Not run)

Interface to Azure Computer Vision API


Interface to Azure Computer Vision API


analyze(endpoint, image, domain = NULL, feature_types = NULL,
  language = "en", ...)

describe(endpoint, image, language = "en", ...)

detect_objects(endpoint, image, ...)

area_of_interest(endpoint, image, ...)

tag(endpoint, image, language = "en", ...)

categorize(endpoint, image, ...)

read_text(endpoint, image, detect_orientation = TRUE, language = "en", ...)

list_computervision_domains(endpoint, ...)

make_thumbnail(endpoint, image, outfile, width = 50, height = 50,
  smart_crop = TRUE, ...)



A computer vision endpoint.


An image to be sent to the endpoint. This can be either a filename, a publicly accessible URL, or a raw vector holding the file contents.


For analyze, an optional domain-specific model to use to analyze the image. Can be "celebrities" or "landmarks".


For analyze, an optional character vector of more detailed features to return. This can be one or more of: "categories", "tags", "description", "faces", "imagetype", "color", "adult", "brands" and "objects". If not supplied, defaults to "categories".


A 2-character code indicating the language to use for tags, feature labels and descriptions. The default is en, for English.


Arguments passed to lower-level functions, and ultimately to call_cognitive_endpoint.


For read_text, whether to automatically determine the image's orientation.


For make_thumbnail, the filename for the generated thumbnail. Alternatively, if this is NULL the thumbnail is returned as a raw vector.

width, height

For make_thumbnail, the dimensions for the returned thumbnail.


For make_thumbnail, whether to automatically determine the best location to crop for the thumbnail. Useful when the aspect ratios of the original image and the thumbnail don't match.


analyze extracts visual features from the image. To obtain more detailed features, specify the domain and/or feature_types arguments as appropriate.

describe attempts to provide a text description of the image.

detect_objects detects objects in the image.

area_of_interest attempts to find the "interesting" part of an image, meaning the most likely location of the image's subject.

tag returns a set of words that are relevant to the content of the image. Not to be confused with the add_tags or add_image_tags functions that are part of the Custom Vision API.

categorize attempts to place the image into a list of predefined categories.

read_text performs optical character recognition (OCR) on the image.

list_domains returns the predefined domain-specific models that can be queried by analyze for deeper analysis. Not to be confused with the domains available for training models with the Custom Vision API.

make_thumbnail generates a thumbnail of the image, with the specified dimensions.


analyze returns a list containing the results of the analysis. The components will vary depending on the domain and feature types requested.

describe returns a list with two components: tags, a vector of text labels; and captions, a data frame of descriptive sentences.

detect_objects returns a dataframe giving the locations and types of the detected objects.

area_of_interest returns a length-4 numeric vector, containing the top-left coordinates of the area of interest and its width and height.

tag and categorize return a data frame of tag and category information, respectively.

read_text returns the extracted text as a list with one component per region that contains text. Each component is a vector of character strings.

list_computervision_domains returns a character vector of domain names.

make_thumbnail returns a raw vector holding the contents of the thumbnail, if the outfile argument is NULL. Otherwise, the thumbnail is saved into outfile.

See Also

computervision_endpoint, AzureCognitive::call_cognitive_endpoint

Computer Vision documentation


## Not run: 

vis <- computervision_endpoint(


# analyze a local file
analyze(vis, "image.jpg")
# picture on the Internet
analyze(vis, "")
# as a raw vector
analyze(vis, readBin("image.jpg", "raw", file.size("image.jpg")))

# analyze has optional extras
analyze(vis, "image.jpg", feature_types=c("faces", "objects"))

describe(vis, "image.jpg")
detect_objects(vis, "image.jpg")
area_of_interest(vis, "image.jpg")
tag(vis, "image.jpg")  # more reliable than analyze(*, feature_types="tags")
categorize(vis, "image.jpg")
read_text(vis, "scanned_text.jpg")

## End(Not run)

View images uploaded to a Custom Vision project


View images uploaded to a Custom Vision project


browse_images(project, img_ids, which = c("resized", "original",
  "thumbnail"), max_images = 20, iteration = NULL)



A Custom Vision project.


The IDs of the images to view. You can use list_images to get the image IDs for this project.


Which image to view: the resized version used for training (the default), the original uploaded image, or the thumbnail.


The maximum number of images to display.


The iteration ID (roughly, which model generation to use). Defaults to the latest iteration.


Images in a Custom Vision project are stored in Azure Storage. This function gets the URLs for the uploaded images and displays them in your browser.

See Also


Connect to a Custom Vision predictive service


Connect to a Custom Vision predictive service


classification_service(endpoint, project, name)

object_detection_service(endpoint, project, name)



A prediction endpoint object, of class customvision_prediction_endpoint.


The project underlying this predictive service. Can be either an object of class customvision_project, or a string giving the ID of the project.


The published name of the service.


These functions are handles to a predictive service that was previously published from a trained model. They have predict methods defined for them.


An object of class classification_service or object_detection_service, as appropriate. These are subclasses of customvision_predictive_service.

See Also

customvision_prediction_endpoint, customvision_project

predict.classification_service, predict.object_detection_service, do_prediction_op

train_model, publish_model


## Not run: 

endp <- customvision_training_endpoint(url="endpoint_url", key="key")
myproj <- get_project(endp, "myproject")

# getting the ID from the project object -- in practice you would store the ID separately
pred_endp <- customvision_prediction_endpoint(url="endpoint_url", key="pred_key")
classification_service(pred_endp, myproj$project$id, "publishedname")

## End(Not run)

Endpoint objects for computer vision services


Endpoint objects for computer vision services


computervision_endpoint(url, key = NULL, aad_token = NULL, ...)

customvision_training_endpoint(url, key = NULL, ...)

customvision_prediction_endpoint(url, key = NULL, ...)



The URL of the endpoint.


A subscription key. Can be single-service or multi-service.


For the Computer Vision endpoint, an OAuth token object, of class AzureAuth::AzureToken. You can supply this as an alternative to a subscription key.


Other arguments to pass to AzureCognitive::cognitive_endpoint.


These are functions to create service-specific endpoint objects. Computer Vision supports authentication via either a subscription key or Azure Active Directory (AAD) token; Custom Vision only supports subscription key. Note that there are two kinds of Custom Vision endpoint, one for training and the other for prediction.


An object inheriting from cognitive_endpoint. The subclass indicates the type of service/endpoint: Computer Vision, Custom Vision training, or Custom Vision prediction.

See Also

cognitive_endpoint, call_cognitive_endpoint


computervision_endpoint("", key="key")

customvision_training_endpoint("", key="key")

customvision_prediction_endpoint("", key="key")

Create, retrieve, update and delete Azure Custom Vision projects


Create, retrieve, update and delete Azure Custom Vision projects


create_classification_project(endpoint, name, domain = "general",
  export_target = c("none", "standard", "vaidk"), multiple_tags = FALSE,
  description = NULL)

create_object_detection_project(endpoint, name, domain = "general",
  export_target = c("none", "standard", "vaidk"), description = NULL)


get_project(endpoint, name = NULL, id = NULL)

update_project(endpoint, name = NULL, id = NULL, domain = "general",
  export_target = c("none", "standard", "vaidk"), multiple_tags = FALSE,
  description = NULL)

delete_project(object, ...)



A custom vision endpoint.

name, id

The name and ID of the project. At least one of these must be specified for get_project, update_project and delete_project. The name is required for create_project (the ID will be assigned automatically).


What kinds of images the model is meant to apply to. The default "general" means the model is suitable for use in a generic setting. Other, more specialised domains for classification include "food", "landmarks" and "retail"; for object detection the other possible domain is "logo".


What formats are supported when exporting the model.


For classification models, Whether multiple categories (tags/labels) for an image are allowed. The default is FALSE, meaning an image represents one and only one category. Ignored for object detection models.


An optional text description of the project.


For delete_customvision_project, either an endpoint, or a project object.


Further arguments passed to lower-level methods.


A Custom Vision project contains the metadata for a model: its intended purpose (classification vs object detection), the domain, the set of training images, and so on. Once you have created a project, you upload images to it, and train models based on those images. A trained model can then be published as a predictive service, or exported for standalone use.

By default, a Custom Vision project does not support exporting the model; this allows it to be more complex, and thus potentially more accurate. Setting export_target="standard" enables exporting to the following formats:

  • ONNX 1.2

  • CoreML, for iOS 11 devices

  • TensorFlow

  • TensorFlow Lite, for Android devices

  • A Docker image for the Windows, Linux or Raspberry Pi 3 (ARM) platform

Setting export_target="vaidk" allows exporting to Vision AI Development Kit format, in addition to the above.


delete_project returns NULL invisibly, on a successful deletion. The others return an object of class customvision_project.

See Also

customvision_training_endpoint, add_images, train_model, publish_model, predict.customvision_model, do_training_op


## Not run: 

endp <- customvision_training_endpoint(url="endpoint_url", key="key")

create_classification_project(endp, "myproject")
create_classification_project(endp, "mymultilabelproject", multiple_tags=TRUE)
create_object_detection_project(endp, "myobjdetproj")

create_classification_project(endp, "mystdproject", export_target="standard")


get_project(endp, "myproject")

update_project(endp, "myproject", export_target="vaidk")

## End(Not run)

Carry out a Custom Vision operation


Carry out a Custom Vision operation


do_training_op(project, ...)

## S3 method for class 'customvision_project'
do_training_op(project, op, ...)

do_prediction_op(service, ...)

## S3 method for class 'customvision_predictive_service'
do_prediction_op(service, op, ...)



For do_training_op, a Custom Vision project.

op, ...

Further arguments passed to call_cognitive_endpoint, and ultimately to the REST API.


For do_prediction_op, a Custom Vision predictive service.


These functions provide low-level access to the Custom Vision REST API. do_training_op is for working with the training endpoint, and do_prediction_op with the prediction endpoint. You can use them if the other tools in this package don't provide what you need.

See Also

customvision_training_endpoint, customvision_prediction_endpoint, customvision_project, customvision_predictive_service, call_cognitive_endpoint

Get predictions from a Custom Vision model


Get predictions from a Custom Vision model


## S3 method for class 'customvision_model'
predict(object, images, type = c("class", "prob", "list"), ...)

## S3 method for class 'classification_service'
predict(object, images, type = c("class",
  "prob", "list"), save_result = FALSE, ...)

## S3 method for class 'object_detection_service'
predict(object, images, type = c("class",
  "prob", "list"), save_result = FALSE, ...)



A Custom Vision object from which to get predictions. See 'Details' below.


The images for which to get predictions.


The type of prediction: either class membership (the default), the class probabilities, or a list containing all information returned by the prediction endpoint.


Further arguments passed to lower-level functions; not used.


For the predictive service methods, whether to store the predictions on the server for future use.


AzureVision defines prediction methods for both Custom Vision model training objects (of class customvision_model) and prediction services (classification_service and object_detection_service). The method for model training objects calls the "quick test" endpoint, and is meant only for testing purposes.

The prediction endpoints accept a single image per request, so supplying multiple images to these functions will call the endpoints multiple times, in sequence. The images can be specified as:

  • A vector of local filenames. All common image file formats are supported.

  • A vector of publicly accessible URLs.

  • A raw vector, or a list of raw vectors, holding the binary contents of the image files.

See Also

train_model, publish_model, classification_service, object_detection_service


## Not run: 

# predicting with the training endpoint
endp <- customvision_training_endpoint(url="endpoint_url", key="key")
myproj <- get_project(endp, "myproject")
mod <- get_model(myproj)

predict(mod, "testimage.jpg")
predict(mod, "", type="prob")

imgraw <- readBin("testimage.jpg", "raw", file.size("testimage.jpg"))
predict(mod, imgraw, type="list")

# predicting with the prediction endpoint
# you'll need either the project object or the ID
proj_id <- myproj$project$id
pred_endp <- customvision_prediction_endpoint(url="endpoint_url", key="pred_key")
pred_svc <- classification_service(pred_endp, proj_id, "iteration1")
predict(pred_svc, "testimage.jpg")

## End(Not run)

Publish, export and unpublish a Custom Vision model iteration


Publish, export and unpublish a Custom Vision model iteration


publish_model(model, name, prediction_resource)

unpublish_model(model, confirm = TRUE)

export_model(model, format, destfile = basename(httr::parse_url(dl_link)$path))




A Custom Vision model iteration object.


For publish_model, the name to assign to the published model on the prediction endpoint.


For publish_model, the Custom Vision prediction resource to publish to. This can either be a string containing the Azure resource ID, or an AzureRMR resource object.


For unpublish_model, whether to ask for confirmation first.


For export_model, the format to export to. See below for supported formats.


For export_model, the destination file for downloading. Set this to NULL to skip downloading.


Publishing a model makes it available to clients as a predictive service. Exporting a model serialises it to a file of the given format in Azure storage, which can then be downloaded. Each iteration of the model can be published or exported separately.

The format argument to export_model can be one of the following. Note that exporting a model requires that the project was created with support for it.

  • "onnx": ONNX 1.2

  • "coreml": CoreML, for iOS 11 devices

  • "tensorflow": TensorFlow

  • "tensorflow lite": TensorFlow Lite for Android devices

  • "linux docker", "windows docker", "arm docker": A Docker image for the given platform (Raspberry Pi 3 in the case of ARM)

  • "vaidk": Vision AI Development Kit


export_model returns the URL of the exported file, invisibly if it was downloaded.

list_model_exports returns a data frame detailing the formats the current model has been exported to, along with their download URLs.

See Also

train_model, get_model, customvision_predictive_service, predict.classification_service, predict.object_detection_service


## Not run: 

endp <- customvision_training_endpoint(url="endpoint_url", key="key")
myproj <- get_project(endp, "myproject")
mod <- get_model(myproj)

export_model(mod, "tensorflow", download=FALSE)
export_model(mod, "onnx", destfile="")

rg <- AzureRMR::get_azure_login("yourtenant")$

pred_res <- rg$get_cognitive_service("mycustvis_prediction")
publish_model(mod, "mypublishedmod", pred_res)


## End(Not run)

Display model iteration details


Display model iteration details



show_training_performance(model, threshold = 0.5, overlap = NULL)

## S3 method for class 'customvision_model'
summary(object, ...)


model, object

A Custom Vision model iteration object.


For a classification model, the probability threshold to assign an image to a class.


For an object detection model, the overlap threshold for distinguishing between overlapping objects.


Arguments passed to lower-level functions.


show_model displays the metadata for a model iteration: the name (assigned by default), model training status, publishing details, and so on. show_training_performance displays summary statistics for the model's performance on the training data. The summary method for Custom Vision model objects simply calls show_training_performance.


For show_model, a list containing the metadata for the model iteration. For show_training_performance and summary.customvision_model, a list of performance diagnostics.

See Also



## Not run: 

endp <- customvision_training_endpoint(url="endpoint_url", key="key")
myproj <- get_project(endp, "myproject")
mod <- get_model(myproj)



## End(Not run)

Create, retrieve, rename and delete a model iteration


Create, retrieve, rename and delete a model iteration


train_model(project, training_method = c("quick", "advanced"),
  max_time = 1, force = FALSE, email = NULL, wait = (training_method ==

list_models(project, as = c("ids", "list"))

get_model(project, iteration = NULL)

rename_model(model, name, ...)

delete_model(object, ...)

## S3 method for class 'customvision_project'
delete_model(object, iteration = NULL, confirm = TRUE, ...)

## S3 method for class 'customvision_model'
delete_model(object, confirm = TRUE, ...)



A Custom Vision project.


The training method to use. The default "quick" is faster but may be less accurate. The "advanced" method is slower but produces better results.


For advanced training, the maximum training time in hours.


For advanced training, whether to refit the model even if the data has not changed since the last iteration.


For advanced training, an email address to notify when the training is complete.


whether to wait until training is complete (or the maximum training time has elapsed) before returning.


For list_models, the format in which to return results: as a named vector of model iteration IDs, or a list of model objects.


For get_model and delete_model.customvision_project, either the iteration name or ID.


A Custom Vision model.


For rename_model, the new name for the model.


Arguments passed to lower-level functions.


For the delete_model method, a Custom Vision project or model, as appropriate.


For the delete_model methods, whether to ask for confirmation first.


Training a Custom Vision model results in a model iteration. Each iteration is based on the current set of images uploaded to the endpoint. Successive model iterations trained on different image sets do not overwrite previous ones.

You must have at least 5 images per tag for a classification project, and 15 images per tag for an object detection project, before you can train a model.

By default, AzureVision will use the latest model iteration for actions such as prediction, showing performance statistics, and so on. You can list the model iterations with list_models, and retrieve a specific iteration by passing the iteration ID to get_model.


For train_model, get_model and rename_model, an object of class customvision_model which is a handle to the iteration.

For list_models, based on the as argument: as="ids" returns a named vector of model iteration IDs, while as="list" returns a list of model objects.

See Also

show_model, show_training_performance, publish_model


## Not run: 

endp <- customvision_training_endpoint(url="endpoint_url", key="key")
myproj <- get_project(endp, "myproject")

train_model(myproj, method="advanced", force=TRUE, email="")


mod <- get_model(myproj)
rename(mod, "mymodel")
mod <- get_model(myproj, "mymodel")


## End(Not run)