Package 'AzureVM'

Title: Virtual Machines in 'Azure'
Description: Functionality for working with virtual machines (VMs) in Microsoft's 'Azure' cloud: <>. Includes facilities to deploy, startup, shutdown, and cleanly delete VMs and VM clusters. Deployment configurations can be highly customised, and can make use of existing resources as well as creating new ones. A selection of predefined configurations is provided to allow easy deployment of commonly used Linux and Windows images, including Data Science Virtual Machines. With a running VM, execute scripts and install optional extensions. Part of the 'AzureR' family of packages.
Authors: Hong Ooi [aut, cre], Microsoft [cph]
Maintainer: Hong Ooi <[email protected]>
License: MIT + file LICENSE
Built: 2024-09-21 02:51:49 UTC

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Autoscaler configuration


Autoscaler configuration


autoscaler_config(profiles = list(autoscaler_profile()), ...)

autoscaler_profile(name = "Profile", minsize = 1, maxsize = NA,
  default = NA, scale_out = 0.75, scale_in = 0.25, interval = "PT1M",
  window = "PT5M")



A list of autoscaling profiles, each obtained via a call to autoscaler_profile.


Other named arguments that will be treated as resource properties.


For autoscaler_profile, a name for the profile.

minsize, maxsize, default

For autoscaler_profile, the minimum, maximum and default number of instances.

scale_out, scale_in

For autoscaler_profile, the CPU usage (a fraction between 0 and 1) at which to scale out and in, respectively.


For autoscaler_profile, The interval between samples, in ISO 8601 format. The default is 1 minute.


For autoscaler_profile, the window width over which to compute the percentage CPU. The default is 5 minutes.

See Also

create_vm_scaleset, vmss_config


    autoscaler_profile(minsize=2, maxsize=50, scale_out=0.9, scale_in=0.1)

Virtual machine resource class


Class representing a virtual machine resource. In general, the methods in this class should not be called directly, nor should objects be directly instantiated from it. Use the az_vm_template class for interacting with VMs instead.


An R6 object of class az_vm_resource, inheriting from AzureRMR::az_resource.


The following methods are available, in addition to those provided by the AzureRMR::az_resource class:

  • start(wait=TRUE): Start the VM. By default, wait until the startup process is complete.

  • stop(deallocate=TRUE, wait=FALSE): Stop the VM. By default, deallocate it as well.

  • restart(wait=TRUE): Restart the VM.

  • run_deployed_command(command, parameters, script): Run a PowerShell command on the VM.

  • run_script(script, parameters): Run a script on the VM. For a Linux VM, this will be a shell script; for a Windows VM, a PowerShell script. Pass the script as a character vector.

  • sync_vm_status(): Check the status of the VM.

  • resize(size, deallocate=FALSE, wait=FALSE): Resize the VM. Optionally stop and deallocate it first (may sometimes be necessary).

  • redeploy(): Redeploy the VM.

  • reimage(): Reimage the VM.

  • get_public_ip_address(nic=1, config=1): Get the public IP address of the VM. Returns NA if the VM is shut down, or is not publicly accessible.

  • get_private_ip_address(nic=1, config=1): Get the private IP address of the VM.

  • get_public_ip_resource(nic=1, config=1): Get the Azure resource for the VM's public IP address.

  • get_nic(nic=1): Get the VM's network interface resource.

  • get_vnet(nic=1, config=1): Get the VM's virtual network resource.

  • get_nsg(nic=1, config=1): Get the VM's network security group resource. Note that an NSG can be attached to either the VM's network interface or to its virtual network subnet; if there is an NSG attached to both, this method returns a list containing the two NSG resource objects.

  • get_disk(disk="os"): Get a managed disk resource attached to the VM. The disk argument can be "os" for the OS disk, or a number indicating the LUN of a data disk. AzureVM only supports managed disks.

  • add_extension(publisher, type, version, settings=list(), protected_settings=list(), key_vault_settings=list()): Add an extension to the VM.

  • do_vm_operation(...): Carry out an arbitrary operation on the VM resource. See the do_operation method of the AzureRMR::az_resource class for more details.

See Also

AzureRMR::az_resource, get_vm_resource, az_vm_template

VM API reference

Virtual machine template class


Class representing a virtual machine deployment template. This class keeps track of all resources that are created as part of deploying a VM, and exposes methods for managing them.


An R6 object of class az_vm_template, inheriting from AzureRMR::az_template.


A single virtual machine in Azure is actually a collection of resources, including any and all of the following.

  • Network interface (Azure resource type Microsoft.Network/networkInterfaces)

  • Network security group (Azure resource type Microsoft.Network/networkSecurityGroups)

  • Virtual network (Azure resource type Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks)

  • Public IP address (Azure resource type Microsoft.Network/publicIPAddresses)

  • The VM itself (Azure resource type Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines)

By wrapping the deployment template used to create these resources, the az_vm_template class allows managing them all as a single entity.


The following fields are exposed, in addition to those provided by the AzureRMR::az_template class.

  • dns_name: The DNS name for the VM. Will be NULL if the VM is not publicly visible, or doesn't have a domain name assigned to its public IP address.

  • identity: The managed identity details for the VM. Will be NULL if the VM doesn't have an identity assigned.


The following methods are available, in addition to those provided by the AzureRMR::az_template class.

  • start(wait=TRUE): Start the VM. By default, wait until the startup process is complete.

  • stop(deallocate=TRUE, wait=FALSE): Stop the VM. By default, deallocate it as well.

  • restart(wait=TRUE): Restart the VM.

  • run_deployed_command(command, parameters, script): Run a PowerShell command on the VM.

  • run_script(script, parameters): Run a script on the VM. For a Linux VM, this will be a shell script; for a Windows VM, a PowerShell script. Pass the script as a character vector.

  • sync_vm_status(): Check the status of the VM.

  • resize(size, deallocate=FALSE, wait=FALSE): Resize the VM. Optionally stop and deallocate it first (may sometimes be necessary).

  • redeploy(): Redeploy the VM.

  • reimage(): Reimage the VM.

  • get_public_ip_address(nic=1, config=1): Get the public IP address of the VM. Returns NA if the VM is stopped, or is not publicly accessible.

  • get_private_ip_address(nic=1, config=1): Get the private IP address of the VM.

  • get_public_ip_resource(nic=1, config=1): Get the Azure resource for the VM's public IP address.

  • get_nic(nic=1): Get the VM's network interface resource.

  • get_vnet(nic=1, config=1): Get the VM's virtual network resource.

  • get_nsg(nic=1, config=1): Get the VM's network security group resource. Note that an NSG can be attached to either the VM's network interface or to its virtual network subnet; if there is an NSG attached to both, this method returns a list containing the two NSG resource objects.

  • get_disk(disk="os"): Get a managed disk resource attached to the VM. The disk argument can be "os" for the OS disk, or a number indicating the LUN of a data disk. AzureVM only supports managed disks.

  • add_extension(publisher, type, version, settings=list(), protected_settings=list(), key_vault_settings=list()): Add an extension to the VM.

  • do_vm_operation(...): Carries out an arbitrary operation on the VM resource. See the do_operation method of the AzureRMR::az_resource class for more details.

Many of these methods are actually provided by the az_vm_resource class, and propagated to the template as active bindings.

See Also

AzureRMR::az_template, create_vm, get_vm, delete_vm

VM API reference


## Not run: 

sub <- AzureRMR::get_azure_login()$

vm <- sub$get_vm("myvm")



vm$run_script("echo hello world! > /tmp/hello.txt")

vm$get_public_ip_address()  # NA, assuming VM has a dynamic IP address


## End(Not run)

Virtual machine scaleset resource class


Class representing a virtual machine scaleset resource. In general, the methods in this class should not be called directly, nor should objects be directly instantiated from it. Use the az_vmss_template class for interacting with scalesets instead.


An R6 object of class az_vmss_resource, inheriting from AzureRMR::az_resource.


A single virtual machine scaleset in Azure is actually a collection of resources, including any and all of the following.

  • Network security group (Azure resource type Microsoft.Network/networkSecurityGroups)

  • Virtual network (Azure resource type Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks)

  • Load balancer (Azure resource type Microsoft.Network/loadBalancers)

  • Public IP address (Azure resource type Microsoft.Network/publicIPAddresses)

  • Autoscaler (Azure resource type Microsoft.Insights/autoscaleSettings)

  • The scaleset itself (Azure resource type Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachineScaleSets)

By wrapping the deployment template used to create these resources, the az_vmss_template class allows managing them all as a single entity.


The following methods are available, in addition to those provided by the AzureRMR::az_template class.

  • sync_vmss_status: Check the status of the scaleset.

  • list_instances(): Return a list of az_vm_resource objects, one for each VM instance in the scaleset. Note that if the scaleset has a load balancer attached, the number of instances will vary depending on the load.

  • get_instance(id): Return a specific VM instance in the scaleset.

  • start(id=NULL, wait=FALSE): Start the scaleset. In this and the other methods listed here, id can be an optional character vector of instance IDs; if supplied, only carry out the operation for those instances.

  • restart(id=NULL, wait=FALSE): Restart the scaleset.

  • stop(deallocate=TRUE, id=NULL, wait=FALSE): Stop the scaleset.

  • get_public_ip_address(): Get the public IP address of the scaleset (technically, of the load balancer). If the scaleset doesn't have a load balancer attached, returns NA.

  • get_vm_public_ip_addresses(id=NULL, nic=1, config=1): Get the public IP addresses for the instances in the scaleset. Returns NA for the instances that are stopped or not publicly accessible.

  • get_vm_private_ip_addresses(id=NULL, nic=1, config=1): Get the private IP addresses for the instances in the scaleset.

  • get_vnet(nic=1, config=1): Get the scaleset's virtual network resource.

  • get_nsg(nic=1, config=1): Get the scaleset's network security group resource.

  • run_deployed_command(command, parameters=NULL, script=NULL, id=NULL): Run a PowerShell command on the instances in the scaleset.

  • run_script(script, parameters=NULL, id=NULL): Run a script on the VM. For a Linux VM, this will be a shell script; for a Windows VM, a PowerShell script. Pass the script as a character vector.

  • reimage(id=NULL, datadisks=FALSE): Reimage the instances in the scaleset. If datadisks is TRUE, reimage any attached data disks as well.

  • redeploy(id=NULL): Redeploy the instances in the scaleset.

  • mapped_vm_operation(..., id=NULL): Carry out an arbitrary operation on the instances in the scaleset. See the do_operation method of the AzureRMR::az_resource class for more details.

  • add_extension(publisher, type, version, settings=list(), protected_settings=list(), key_vault_settings=list()): Add an extension to the scaleset.

  • do_vmss_operation(...) Carry out an arbitrary operation on the scaleset resource (as opposed to the instances in the scaleset).

Instance operations

AzureVM has the ability to parallelise scaleset instance operations using a background process pool provided by AzureRMR. This can lead to significant speedups when working with scalesets with high instance counts. The pool is created automatically the first time that it is required, and remains persistent for the session. You can control the size of the process pool with the azure_vm_minpoolsize and azure_vm_maxpoolsize options, which have default values 2 and 10 respectively.

The id argument lets you specify a subset of instances on which to carry out an operation. This can be a character vector of instance IDs; a list of instance objects such as returned by list_instances; or a single instance object. The default (NULL) is to carry out the operation on all instances.

See Also

AzureRMR::az_resource, get_vm_scaleset_resource, az_vmss_template, AzureRMR::init_pool

VM scaleset API reference

Virtual machine scaleset (cluster) template class


Class representing a virtual machine scaleset deployment template. This class keeps track of all resources that are created as part of deploying a scaleset, and exposes methods for managing them.


An R6 object of class az_vmss_template, inheriting from AzureRMR::az_template.


A virtual machine scaleset in Azure is actually a collection of resources, including any and all of the following.

  • Network security group (Azure resource type Microsoft.Network/networkSecurityGroups)

  • Virtual network (Azure resource type Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks)

  • Load balancer (Azure resource type Microsoft.Network/loadBalancers)

  • Public IP address (Azure resource type Microsoft.Network/publicIPAddresses)

  • Autoscaler (Azure resource type Microsoft.Insights/autoscaleSettings)

  • The scaleset itself (Azure resource type Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachineScaleSets)

By wrapping the deployment template used to create these resources, the az_vmss_template class allows managing them all as a single entity.


The following fields are exposed, in addition to those provided by the AzureRMR::az_template class.

  • dns_name: The DNS name for the scaleset (technically, the name for its load balancer). Will be NULL if the scaleset is not publicly visible, or doesn't have a load balancer attached.

  • identity: The managed identity details for the scaleset. Will be NULL if the scaleset doesn't have an identity assigned.


The following methods are available, in addition to those provided by the AzureRMR::az_template class.

  • sync_vmss_status: Check the status of the scaleset.

  • list_instances(): Return a list of az_vm_resource objects, one for each VM instance in the scaleset. Note that if the scaleset has an autoscaler attached, the number of instances will vary depending on the load.

  • get_instance(id): Return a specific VM instance in the scaleset.

  • start(id=NULL, wait=FALSE): Start the scaleset. In this and the other methods listed here, id can be an optional character vector of instance IDs; if supplied, only carry out the operation for those instances.

  • restart(id=NULL, wait=FALSE): Restart the scaleset.

  • stop(deallocate=TRUE, id=NULL, wait=FALSE): Stop the scaleset.

  • get_public_ip_address(): Get the public IP address of the scaleset (technically, of the load balancer). If the scaleset doesn't have a load balancer attached, returns NA.

  • get_vm_public_ip_addresses(id=NULL, nic=1, config=1): Get the public IP addresses for the instances in the scaleset. Returns NA for the instances that are stopped or not publicly accessible.

  • get_vm_private_ip_addresses(id=NULL, nic=1, config=1): Get the private IP addresses for the instances in the scaleset.

  • get_public_ip_resource(): Get the Azure resource for the load balancer's public IP address.

  • get_vnet(nic=1, config=1): Get the scaleset's virtual network resource.

  • get_nsg(nic=1, config=1): Get the scaleset's network security group resource.

  • get_load_balancer(): Get the scaleset's load balancer resource.

  • get_autoscaler(): Get the scaleset's autoscaler resource.

  • run_deployed_command(command, parameters=NULL, script=NULL, id=NULL): Run a PowerShell command on the instances in the scaleset.

  • run_script(script, parameters=NULL, id=NULL): Run a script on the VM. For a Linux VM, this will be a shell script; for a Windows VM, a PowerShell script. Pass the script as a character vector.

  • reimage(id=NULL, datadisks=FALSE): Reimage the instances in the scaleset. If datadisks is TRUE, reimage any attached data disks as well.

  • redeploy(id=NULL): Redeploy the instances in the scaleset.

  • mapped_vm_operation(..., id=NULL): Carry out an arbitrary operation on the instances in the scaleset. See the do_operation method of the AzureRMR::az_resource class for more details.

  • add_extension(publisher, type, version, settings=list(), protected_settings=list(), key_vault_settings=list()): Add an extension to the scaleset.

  • do_vmss_operation(...) Carry out an arbitrary operation on the scaleset resource (as opposed to the instances in the scaleset).

Many of these methods are actually provided by the az_vmss_resource class, and propagated to the template as active bindings.

Instance operations

AzureVM has the ability to parallelise scaleset instance operations using a background process pool provided by AzureRMR. This can lead to significant speedups when working with scalesets with high instance counts. The pool is created automatically the first time that it is required, and remains persistent for the session. You can control the size of the process pool with the azure_vm_minpoolsize and azure_vm_maxpoolsize options, which have default values 2 and 10 respectively.

The id argument lets you specify a subset of instances on which to carry out an operation. This can be a character vector of instance IDs; a list of instance objects such as returned by list_instances; or a single instance object. The default (NULL) is to carry out the operation on all instances.

See Also

AzureRMR::az_template, create_vm_scaleset, get_vm_scaleset, delete_vm_scaleset, AzureRMR::init_pool

VM scaleset API reference


## Not run: 

sub <- AzureRMR::get_azure_login()$

vmss <- sub$get_vm_scaleset("myscaleset")


vmss$get_public_ip_address()  # NA if the scaleset doesn't have a load balancer

vmss$get_vm_public_ip_addresses()  # NA if scaleset nodes are not publicly visible

instances <- vmss$list_instances()
first <- instances[1]
vmss$run_script("echo hello world! > /tmp/hello.txt", id=first)


## End(Not run)

Build template definition and parameters


Build template definition and parameters


## S3 method for class 'vm_config'
build_template_definition(config, ...)

## S3 method for class 'vmss_config'
build_template_definition(config, ...)

## S3 method for class 'vm_config'
build_template_parameters(config, name, login_user, size, ...)

## S3 method for class 'vmss_config'
build_template_parameters(config, name, login_user, size, instances, ...)



An object of class vm_config or vmss_config representing a virtual machine or scaleset deployment.




The VM or scaleset name. Will also be used for the domain name label, if a public IP address is included in the deployment.


An object of class user_config representing the login details for the admin user account on the VM.


The VM (instance) size.


For vmss_config, the number of (initial) instances in the VM scaleset.


These are methods for the generics defined in the AzureRMR package.


Objects of class json, which are JSON character strings representing the deployment template and its parameters.

See Also

create_vm, vm_config, vmss_config


vm <- ubuntu_18.04()
build_template_parameters(vm, "myubuntuvm",
    user_config("username", "~/.ssh/"), "Standard_DS3_v2")

VM configuration functions


VM configuration functions


centos_7.5(keylogin = TRUE, managed_identity = TRUE,
  datadisks = numeric(0), nsg = nsg_config(list(nsg_rule_allow_ssh)), ...)

centos_7.6(keylogin = TRUE, managed_identity = TRUE,
  datadisks = numeric(0), nsg = nsg_config(list(nsg_rule_allow_ssh)), ...)

centos_8.1(keylogin = TRUE, managed_identity = TRUE,
  datadisks = numeric(0), nsg = nsg_config(list(nsg_rule_allow_ssh)), ...)

debian_8_backports(keylogin = TRUE, managed_identity = TRUE,
  datadisks = numeric(0), nsg = nsg_config(list(nsg_rule_allow_ssh)), ...)

debian_9_backports(keylogin = TRUE, managed_identity = TRUE,
  datadisks = numeric(0), nsg = nsg_config(list(nsg_rule_allow_ssh)), ...)

debian_10_backports(keylogin = TRUE, managed_identity = TRUE,
  datadisks = numeric(0), nsg = nsg_config(list(nsg_rule_allow_ssh)), ...)

debian_10_backports_gen2(keylogin = TRUE, managed_identity = TRUE,
  datadisks = numeric(0), nsg = nsg_config(list(nsg_rule_allow_ssh)), ...)

ubuntu_dsvm(keylogin = TRUE, managed_identity = TRUE,
  datadisks = numeric(0), nsg = nsg_config(list(nsg_rule_allow_ssh,
  nsg_rule_allow_jupyter, nsg_rule_allow_rstudio)), ...)

ubuntu_dsvm_gen2(keylogin = TRUE, managed_identity = TRUE,
  datadisks = numeric(0), nsg = nsg_config(list(nsg_rule_allow_ssh,
  nsg_rule_allow_jupyter, nsg_rule_allow_rstudio)), ...)

windows_dsvm(keylogin = FALSE, managed_identity = TRUE,
  datadisks = numeric(0), nsg = nsg_config(list(nsg_rule_allow_rdp)), ...)

rhel_7.6(keylogin = TRUE, managed_identity = TRUE,
  datadisks = numeric(0), nsg = nsg_config(list(nsg_rule_allow_ssh)), ...)

rhel_8(keylogin = TRUE, managed_identity = TRUE, datadisks = numeric(0),
  nsg = nsg_config(list(nsg_rule_allow_ssh)), ...)

rhel_8.1(keylogin = TRUE, managed_identity = TRUE,
  datadisks = numeric(0), nsg = nsg_config(list(nsg_rule_allow_ssh)), ...)

rhel_8.1_gen2(keylogin = TRUE, managed_identity = TRUE,
  datadisks = numeric(0), nsg = nsg_config(list(nsg_rule_allow_ssh)), ...)

rhel_8.2(keylogin = TRUE, managed_identity = TRUE,
  datadisks = numeric(0), nsg = nsg_config(list(nsg_rule_allow_ssh)), ...)

rhel_8.2_gen2(keylogin = TRUE, managed_identity = TRUE,
  datadisks = numeric(0), nsg = nsg_config(list(nsg_rule_allow_ssh)), ...)

ubuntu_16.04(keylogin = TRUE, managed_identity = TRUE,
  datadisks = numeric(0), nsg = nsg_config(list(nsg_rule_allow_ssh)), ...)

ubuntu_18.04(keylogin = TRUE, managed_identity = TRUE,
  datadisks = numeric(0), nsg = nsg_config(list(nsg_rule_allow_ssh)), ...)

ubuntu_20.04(keylogin = TRUE, managed_identity = TRUE,
  datadisks = numeric(0), nsg = nsg_config(list(nsg_rule_allow_ssh)), ...)

ubuntu_20.04_gen2(keylogin = TRUE, managed_identity = TRUE,
  datadisks = numeric(0), nsg = nsg_config(list(nsg_rule_allow_ssh)), ...)

windows_2016(keylogin = FALSE, managed_identity = TRUE,
  datadisks = numeric(0), nsg = nsg_config(list(nsg_rule_allow_rdp)), ...)

windows_2019(keylogin = FALSE, managed_identity = TRUE,
  datadisks = numeric(0), nsg = nsg_config(list(nsg_rule_allow_rdp)), ...)

windows_2019_gen2(keylogin = FALSE, managed_identity = TRUE,
  datadisks = numeric(0), nsg = nsg_config(list(nsg_rule_allow_rdp)), ...)

vm_config(image, keylogin, managed_identity = TRUE,
  os_disk_type = c("Premium_LRS", "StandardSSD_LRS", "Standard_LRS"),
  datadisks = numeric(0), nsg = nsg_config(), ip = ip_config(),
  vnet = vnet_config(), nic = nic_config(), other_resources = list(),
  variables = list(), ...)



Whether to use an SSH public key to login (TRUE) or a password (FALSE). Note that Windows does not support SSH key logins.


Whether to provide a managed system identity for the VM.


The data disks to attach to the VM. Specify this as either a vector of numeric disk sizes in GB, or a list of datadisk_config objects for more control over the specification.


The network security group for the VM. Can be a call to nsg_config to create a new NSG; an AzureRMR resource object or resource ID to reuse an existing NSG; or NULL to not use an NSG (not recommended).


For the specific VM configurations, other customisation arguments to be passed to vm_config. For vm_config, named arguments that will be folded into the VM resource definition in the template. In particular use ⁠properties=list(*)⁠ to set additional properties for the VM, beyond those set by the various configuration functions.


For vm_config, the VM image to deploy. This should be an object of class image_config, created by the function of the same name.


The type of primary disk for the VM. Can be "Premium_LRS" (the default), "StandardSSD_LRS", or "Standard_LRS". Of these, "Standard_LRS" uses hard disks and the others use SSDs as the underlying hardware. Change this to "StandardSSD_LRS" or "Standard_LRS" if the VM size doesn't support premium storage.


The public IP address for the VM. Can be a call to ip_config to create a new IP address; an AzureRMR resource object or resource ID to reuse an existing address resource; or NULL if the VM should not be accessible from outside its subnet.


The virtual network for the VM. Can be a call to vnet_config to create a new virtual network, or an AzureRMR resource object or resource ID to reuse an existing virtual network. Note that by default, AzureVM will associate the NSG with the virtual network/subnet, not with the VM's network interface.


The network interface for the VM. Can be a call to nic_config to create a new interface, or an AzureRMR resource object or resource ID to reuse an existing interface.


An optional list of other resources to include in the deployment.


An optional named list of variables to add to the template.


These functions are for specifying the details of a new virtual machine deployment: the VM image and related options, along with the Azure resources that the VM may need. These include the datadisks, network security group, public IP address (if the VM is to be accessible from outside its subnet), virtual network, and network interface. vm_config is the base configuration function, and the others call it to create VMs with specific operating systems and other image details.

  • ubuntu_dsvm: Data Science Virtual Machine, based on Ubuntu 18.04

  • windows_dsvm: Data Science Virtual Machine, based on Windows Server 2019

  • ubuntu_16.04, ubuntu_18.04, ubuntu_20.04, ubuntu_20.04_gen2: Ubuntu LTS

  • windows_2016, windows_2019: Windows Server Datacenter edition

  • rhel_7.6, rhel_8, rhel_8.1, rhel_8.1_gen2, rhel_8.2, “rhel_8.2_gen2: Red Hat Enterprise Linux

  • centos_7.5, centos_7.6, centos_8.1: CentOS

  • debian_8_backports, debian_9_backports, debian_10_backports, debian_10_backports_gen2: Debian with backports

The VM configurations with gen2 in the name are generation 2 VMs, which feature several technical improvements over the earlier generation 1. Consider using these for greater efficiency, however note that gen2 VMs are only available for select images and do not support all possible VM sizes.

Each resource can be specified in a number of ways:

  • To create a new resource as part of the deployment, call the corresponding ⁠*_config⁠ function.

  • To use an existing resource, supply either an AzureRMR::az_resource object (recommended) or a string containing the resource ID.

  • If the resource is not needed, specify it as NULL.

  • For the other_resources argument, supply a list of resources, each of which should be a list of resource fields (name, type, properties, sku, etc).

A VM configuration defines the following template variables by default, depending on its resources. If a particular resource is created, the corresponding ⁠*Name⁠, ⁠*Id⁠ and ⁠*Ref⁠ variables will be available. If a resource is referred to but not created, the ⁠*Name*⁠ and ⁠*Id⁠ variables will be available. Other variables can be defined via the variables argument.

Variable name Contents Description
location ⁠[resourceGroup().location]⁠ Region to deploy resources
vmId ⁠[resourceId('Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines', parameters('vmName'))]⁠ VM resource ID
vmRef ⁠[concat('Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/', parameters('vmName'))]⁠ VM template reference
nsgName ⁠[concat(parameters('vmName'), '-nsg')]⁠ Network security group resource name
nsgId ⁠[resourceId('Microsoft.Network/networkSecurityGroups', variables('nsgName'))]⁠ NSG resource ID
nsgRef ⁠[concat('Microsoft.Network/networkSecurityGroups/', variables('nsgName'))]⁠ NSG template reference
ipName ⁠[concat(parameters('vmName'), '-ip')]⁠ Public IP address resource name
ipId ⁠[resourceId('Microsoft.Network/publicIPAddresses', variables('ipName'))]⁠ IP resource ID
ipRef ⁠[concat('Microsoft.Network/publicIPAddresses/', variables('ipName'))]⁠ IP template reference
vnetName ⁠[concat(parameters('vmName'), '-vnet')]⁠ Virtual network resource name
vnetId ⁠[resourceId('Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks', variables('vnetName'))]⁠ Vnet resource ID
vnetRef ⁠[concat('Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/', variables('vnetName'))]⁠ Vnet template reference
subnet subnet Subnet name. Only defined if a Vnet was created or supplied as an az_resource object.
subnetId ⁠[concat(variables('vnetId'), '/subnets/', variables('subnet'))]⁠ Subnet resource ID. Only defined if a Vnet was created or supplied as an az_resource object.
nicName ⁠[concat(parameters('vmName'), '-nic')]⁠ Network interface resource name
nicId ⁠[resourceId('Microsoft.Network/networkInterfaces', variables('nicName'))]⁠ NIC resource ID
nicRef ⁠[concat('Microsoft.Network/networkInterfaces/', variables('nicName'))]⁠ NIC template reference

Thus, for example, if you are creating a VM named "myvm" along with all its associated resources, the NSG is named "myvm-nsg", the public IP address is "myvm-ip", the virtual network is "myvm-vnet", and the network interface is "myvm-nic".


An object of S3 class vm_config, that can be used by the create_vm method.

See Also

image_config, user_config, datadisk_config for options relating to the VM resource itself

nsg_config, ip_config, vnet_config, nic_config for other resource configs

build_template for template builder methods

vmss_config for configuring a virtual machine scaleset



# basic Linux (Ubuntu) and Windows configs

# Windows DSVM with 500GB data disk, no public IP address
windows_dsvm(datadisks=500, ip=NULL)

# RHEL VM exposing ports 80 (HTTP) and 443 (HTTPS)
rhel_8(nsg=nsg_config(nsg_rule_allow_http, nsg_rule_allow_https))

# exposing no ports externally, spot (low) priority
rhel_8(nsg=nsg_config(list()), properties=list(priority="spot"))

# deploying an extra resource: storage account
    variables=list(storName="[concat(parameters('vmName'), 'stor')]"),

## custom VM configuration: Windows 10 Pro 1903 with data disks
## this assumes you have a valid Win10 desktop license
user <- user_config("myname", password="Use-strong-passwords!")
image <- image_config(
datadisks <- list(
    datadisk_config(250, type="Premium_LRS"),
    datadisk_config(1000, type="Standard_LRS")
nsg <- nsg_config(

## Not run: 

# reusing existing resources: placing multiple VMs in one vnet/subnet
rg <- AzureRMR::get_azure_login()$

vnet <- rg$get_resource(type="Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks", name="myvnet")

# by default, the NSG is associated with the subnet, so we don't need a new NSG either
vmconfig1 <- ubuntu_18.04(vnet=vnet, nsg=NULL)
vmconfig2 <- debian_9_backports(vnet=vnet, nsg=NULL)
vmconfig3 <- windows_2019(vnet=vnet, nsg=NULL)

## End(Not run)

Virtual machine scaleset configuration functions


Virtual machine scaleset configuration functions


centos_7.5_ss(datadisks = numeric(0),
  nsg = nsg_config(list(nsg_rule_allow_ssh)),
  load_balancer = lb_config(rules = list(lb_rule_ssh), probes =
  list(lb_probe_ssh)), ...)

centos_7.6_ss(datadisks = numeric(0),
  nsg = nsg_config(list(nsg_rule_allow_ssh)),
  load_balancer = lb_config(rules = list(lb_rule_ssh), probes =
  list(lb_probe_ssh)), ...)

centos_8.1_ss(datadisks = numeric(0),
  nsg = nsg_config(list(nsg_rule_allow_ssh)),
  load_balancer = lb_config(rules = list(lb_rule_ssh), probes =
  list(lb_probe_ssh)), ...)

debian_8_backports_ss(datadisks = numeric(0),
  nsg = nsg_config(list(nsg_rule_allow_ssh)),
  load_balancer = lb_config(rules = list(lb_rule_ssh), probes =
  list(lb_probe_ssh)), ...)

debian_9_backports_ss(datadisks = numeric(0),
  nsg = nsg_config(list(nsg_rule_allow_ssh)),
  load_balancer = lb_config(rules = list(lb_rule_ssh), probes =
  list(lb_probe_ssh)), ...)

debian_10_backports_ss(datadisks = numeric(0),
  nsg = nsg_config(list(nsg_rule_allow_ssh)),
  load_balancer = lb_config(rules = list(lb_rule_ssh), probes =
  list(lb_probe_ssh)), ...)

debian_10_backports_gen2_ss(datadisks = numeric(0),
  nsg = nsg_config(list(nsg_rule_allow_ssh)),
  load_balancer = lb_config(rules = list(lb_rule_ssh), probes =
  list(lb_probe_ssh)), ...)

ubuntu_dsvm_ss(datadisks = numeric(0),
  nsg = nsg_config(list(nsg_rule_allow_ssh, nsg_rule_allow_jupyter,
  nsg_rule_allow_rstudio)), load_balancer = lb_config(rules =
  list(lb_rule_ssh, lb_rule_jupyter, lb_rule_rstudio), probes =
  list(lb_probe_ssh, lb_probe_jupyter, lb_probe_rstudio)), ...)

ubuntu_dsvm_gen2_ss(datadisks = numeric(0),
  nsg = nsg_config(list(nsg_rule_allow_ssh, nsg_rule_allow_jupyter,
  nsg_rule_allow_rstudio)), load_balancer = lb_config(rules =
  list(lb_rule_ssh, lb_rule_jupyter, lb_rule_rstudio), probes =
  list(lb_probe_ssh, lb_probe_jupyter, lb_probe_rstudio)), ...)

windows_dsvm_ss(datadisks = numeric(0),
  nsg = nsg_config(list(nsg_rule_allow_rdp)),
  load_balancer = lb_config(rules = list(lb_rule_rdp), probes =
  list(lb_probe_rdp)), options = scaleset_options(keylogin = FALSE), ...)

rhel_7.6_ss(datadisks = numeric(0),
  nsg = nsg_config(list(nsg_rule_allow_ssh)),
  load_balancer = lb_config(rules = list(lb_rule_ssh), probes =
  list(lb_probe_ssh)), ...)

rhel_8_ss(datadisks = numeric(0),
  nsg = nsg_config(list(nsg_rule_allow_ssh)),
  load_balancer = lb_config(rules = list(lb_rule_ssh), probes =
  list(lb_probe_ssh)), ...)

rhel_8.1_ss(datadisks = numeric(0),
  nsg = nsg_config(list(nsg_rule_allow_ssh)),
  load_balancer = lb_config(rules = list(lb_rule_ssh), probes =
  list(lb_probe_ssh)), ...)

rhel_8.1_gen2_ss(datadisks = numeric(0),
  nsg = nsg_config(list(nsg_rule_allow_ssh)),
  load_balancer = lb_config(rules = list(lb_rule_ssh), probes =
  list(lb_probe_ssh)), ...)

rhel_8.2_ss(datadisks = numeric(0),
  nsg = nsg_config(list(nsg_rule_allow_ssh)),
  load_balancer = lb_config(rules = list(lb_rule_ssh), probes =
  list(lb_probe_ssh)), ...)

rhel_8.2_gen2_ss(datadisks = numeric(0),
  nsg = nsg_config(list(nsg_rule_allow_ssh)),
  load_balancer = lb_config(rules = list(lb_rule_ssh), probes =
  list(lb_probe_ssh)), ...)

ubuntu_16.04_ss(datadisks = numeric(0),
  nsg = nsg_config(list(nsg_rule_allow_ssh)),
  load_balancer = lb_config(rules = list(lb_rule_ssh), probes =
  list(lb_probe_ssh)), ...)

ubuntu_18.04_ss(datadisks = numeric(0),
  nsg = nsg_config(list(nsg_rule_allow_ssh)),
  load_balancer = lb_config(rules = list(lb_rule_ssh), probes =
  list(lb_probe_ssh)), ...)

ubuntu_20.04_ss(datadisks = numeric(0),
  nsg = nsg_config(list(nsg_rule_allow_ssh)),
  load_balancer = lb_config(rules = list(lb_rule_ssh), probes =
  list(lb_probe_ssh)), ...)

ubuntu_20.04_gen2_ss(datadisks = numeric(0),
  nsg = nsg_config(list(nsg_rule_allow_ssh)),
  load_balancer = lb_config(rules = list(lb_rule_ssh), probes =
  list(lb_probe_ssh)), ...)

windows_2016_ss(datadisks = numeric(0),
  nsg = nsg_config(list(nsg_rule_allow_rdp)),
  load_balancer = lb_config(rules = list(lb_rule_rdp), probes =
  list(lb_probe_rdp)), options = scaleset_options(keylogin = FALSE), ...)

windows_2019_ss(datadisks = numeric(0),
  nsg = nsg_config(list(nsg_rule_allow_rdp)),
  load_balancer = lb_config(rules = list(lb_rule_rdp), probes =
  list(lb_probe_rdp)), options = scaleset_options(keylogin = FALSE), ...)

windows_2019_gen2_ss(datadisks = numeric(0),
  nsg = nsg_config(list(nsg_rule_allow_rdp)),
  load_balancer = lb_config(rules = list(lb_rule_rdp), probes =
  list(lb_probe_rdp)), options = scaleset_options(keylogin = FALSE), ...)

vmss_config(image, options = scaleset_options(), datadisks = numeric(0),
  nsg = nsg_config(), vnet = vnet_config(), load_balancer = lb_config(),
  load_balancer_address = ip_config(), autoscaler = autoscaler_config(),
  other_resources = list(), variables = list(), ...)



The data disks to attach to the VM. Specify this as either a vector of numeric disk sizes in GB, or a list of datadisk_config objects for more control over the specification.


The network security group for the scaleset. Can be a call to nsg_config to create a new NSG; an AzureRMR resource object or resource ID to reuse an existing NSG; or NULL to not use an NSG (not recommended).


The load balancer for the scaleset. Can be a call to lb_config to create a new load balancer; an AzureRMR resource object or resource ID to reuse an existing load balancer; or NULL if load balancing is not required.


For the specific VM configurations, other customisation arguments to be passed to vm_config. For vmss_config, named arguments that will be folded into the scaleset resource definition in the template.


Scaleset options, as obtained via a call to scaleset_options.


For vmss_config, the VM image to deploy. This should be an object of class image_config, created by the function of the same name.


The virtual network for the scaleset. Can be a call to vnet_config to create a new virtual network, or an AzureRMR resource object or resource ID to reuse an existing virtual network. Note that by default, AzureVM will associate the NSG with the virtual network/subnet, not with the VM's network interface.


The public IP address for the load balancer. Can be a call to ip_config to create a new IP address, or an AzureRMR resource object or resource ID to reuse an existing address resource. Ignored if load_balancer is NULL.


The autoscaler for the scaleset. Can be a call to autoscaler_config to create a new autoscaler; an AzureRMR resource object or resource ID to reuse an existing autoscaler; or NULL if autoscaling is not required.


An optional list of other resources to include in the deployment.


An optional named list of variables to add to the template.


These functions are for specifying the details of a new virtual machine scaleset deployment: the base VM image and related options, along with the Azure resources that the scaleset may need. These include the network security group, virtual network, load balancer and associated public IP address, and autoscaler.

Each resource can be specified in a number of ways:

  • To create a new resource as part of the deployment, call the corresponding ⁠*_config⁠ function.

  • To use an existing resource, supply either an AzureRMR::az_resource object (recommended) or a string containing the resource ID.

  • If the resource is not needed, specify it as NULL.

  • For the other_resources argument, supply a list of resources, each of which should be a list of resource fields (name, type, properties, sku, etc).

The vmss_config function is the base configuration function, and the others call it to create VM scalesets with specific operating systems and other image details.

  • ubuntu_dsvm_ss: Data Science Virtual Machine, based on Ubuntu 18.04

  • windows_dsvm_ss: Data Science Virtual Machine, based on Windows Server 2019

  • ubuntu_16.04_ss, ubuntu_18.04_ss, ubuntu_20.04_ss, ubuntu_20.04_gen2_ss: Ubuntu LTS

  • windows_2016_ss, windows_2019_ss: Windows Server Datacenter edition

  • rhel_7.6_ss, rhel_8_ss, rhel_8.1_ss, rhel_8.1_gen2_ss, rhel_8.2_ss, rhel_8.2_gen2_ss: Red Hat Enterprise Linux

  • centos_7.5_ss, centos_7.6_ss, centos_8.1_ss: CentOS

  • debian_8_backports_ss, debian_9_backports_ss, debian_10_backports_ss, debian_10_backports_gen2_ss: Debian with backports

The VM scaleset configurations with gen2 in the name use generation 2 VMs, which feature several technical improvements over the earlier generation 1. Consider using these for greater efficiency, however note that gen2 VMs are only available for select images and do not support all possible VM sizes.

A VM scaleset configuration defines the following template variables by default, depending on its resources. If a particular resource is created, the corresponding ⁠*Name⁠, ⁠*Id⁠ and ⁠*Ref⁠ variables will be available. If a resource is referred to but not created, the ⁠*Name*⁠ and ⁠*Id⁠ variables will be available. Other variables can be defined via the variables argument.

Variable name Contents Description
location ⁠[resourceGroup().location]⁠ Region to deploy resources
vmId ⁠[resourceId('Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines', parameters('vmName'))]⁠ VM scaleset resource ID
vmRef ⁠[concat('Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/', parameters('vmName'))]⁠ Scaleset template reference
nsgName ⁠[concat(parameters('vmName'), '-nsg')]⁠ Network security group resource name
nsgId ⁠[resourceId('Microsoft.Network/networkSecurityGroups', variables('nsgName'))]⁠ NSG resource ID
nsgRef ⁠[concat('Microsoft.Network/networkSecurityGroups/', variables('nsgName'))]⁠ NSG template reference
vnetName ⁠[concat(parameters('vmName'), '-vnet')]⁠ Virtual network resource name
vnetId ⁠[resourceId('Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks', variables('vnetName'))]⁠ Vnet resource ID
vnetRef ⁠[concat('Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/', variables('vnetName'))]⁠ Vnet template reference
subnet subnet Subnet name. Only defined if a Vnet was created or supplied as an az_resource object.
subnetId ⁠[concat(variables('vnetId'), '/subnets/', variables('subnet'))]⁠ Subnet resource ID. Only defined if a Vnet was created or supplied as an az_resource object.
lbName ⁠[concat(parameters('vmName'), '-lb')]⁠ Load balancer resource name
lbId ⁠[resourceId('Microsoft.Network/loadBalancers', variables('lbName'))]⁠ Load balancer resource ID
lbRef ⁠[concat('Microsoft.Network/loadBalancers/', variables('lbName'))]⁠ Load balancer template reference
lbFrontendName frontend Load balancer frontend IP configuration name. Only defined if a load balancer was created or supplied as an az_resource object.
lbBackendName backend Load balancer backend address pool name. Only defined if a load balancer was created or supplied as an az_resource object.
lbFrontendId ⁠[concat(variables('lbId'), '/frontendIPConfigurations/', variables('lbFrontendName'))]⁠ Load balancer frontend resource ID. Only defined if a load balancer was created or supplied as an az_resource object.
lbBackendId ⁠[concat(variables('lbId'), '/backendAddressPools/', variables('lbBackendName'))]⁠ Load balancer backend resource ID. Only defined if a load balancer was created or supplied as an az_resource object.
ipName ⁠[concat(parameters('vmName'), '-ip')]⁠ Public IP address resource name
ipId ⁠[resourceId('Microsoft.Network/publicIPAddresses', variables('ipName'))]⁠ IP resource ID
ipRef ⁠[concat('Microsoft.Network/publicIPAddresses/', variables('ipName'))]⁠ IP template reference
asName ⁠[concat(parameters('vmName'), '-as')]⁠ Autoscaler resource name
asId ⁠[resourceId('Microsoft.Insights/autoscaleSettings', variables('asName'))]⁠ Autoscaler resource ID
asRef ⁠[concat('Microsoft.Insights/autoscaleSettings/', variables('asName'))]⁠ Autoscaler template reference
asMaxCapacity ⁠[mul(int(parameters('instanceCount')), 10)]⁠ Maximum capacity for the autoscaler. Only defined if an autoscaler was created.
asScaleValue ⁠[max(div(int(parameters('instanceCount')), 5), 1)]⁠ Default capacity for the autoscaler. Only defined if an autoscaler was created.

Thus, for example, if you are creating a VM scaleset named "myvmss" along with all its associated resources, the NSG is named "myvmss-nsg", the virtual network is "myvmss-vnet", the load balancer is "myvmss-lb", the public IP address is "myvmss-ip", and the autoscaler is "myvm-as".


An object of S3 class vmss_config, that can be used by the create_vm_scaleset method.

See Also

scaleset_options for options relating to the scaleset resource itself

nsg_config, ip_config, vnet_config, lb_config, autoscaler_config for other resource configs

build_template for template builder methods

vm_config for configuring an individual virtual machine



# basic Linux (Ubuntu) and Windows configs

# Windows DSVM scaleset, no load balancer and autoscaler
windows_dsvm_ss(load_balancer=NULL, autoscaler=NULL)

# RHEL VM exposing ports 80 (HTTP) and 443 (HTTPS)
rhel_8_ss(nsg=nsg_config(nsg_rule_allow_http, nsg_rule_allow_https))

# exposing no ports externally

# low-priority (spot) VMs, large scaleset (>100 instances allowed), no managed identity
rhel_8_ss(options=scaleset_options(priority="spot", large_scaleset=TRUE, managed_identity=FALSE))

## Not run: 

# reusing existing resources: placing a scaleset in an existing vnet/subnet
# we don't need a new network security group either
vnet <- AzureRMR::get_azure_login()$
    get_resource(type="Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks", name="myvnet")

ubuntu_18.04_ss(vnet=vnet, nsg=NULL)

## End(Not run)

Create a new virtual machine or scaleset of virtual machines


Method for the AzureRMR::az_subscription and AzureRMR::az_resource_group classes.


## R6 method for class 'az_resource_group'
create_vm(name, login_user, size = "Standard_DS3_v2", config = "ubuntu_dsvm",
          managed_identity = TRUE, datadisks = numeric(0), ...,
          template, parameters, mode = "Incremental", wait = TRUE)

## R6 method for class 'az_subscription'
create_vm(name, ..., resource_group = name, location)

## R6 method for class 'az_resource_group'
create_vm_scaleset(name, login_user, instances, size = "Standard_DS1_v2",
                   config = "ubuntu_dsvm_ss", ...,
                   template, parameters, mode = "Incremental", wait = TRUE)

## R6 method for class 'az_subscription'
create_vm_scaleset(name, ..., resource_group = name, location)


  • name: The name of the VM or scaleset.

  • location: For the subscription methods, the location for the VM or scaleset. Use the list_locations() method of the AzureRMR::az_subscription class to see what locations are available.

  • resource_group: For the subscription methods, the resource group in which to place the VM or scaleset. Defaults to a new resource group with the same name as the VM.

  • login_user: The details for the admin login account. An object of class user_config, obtained by a call to the user_config function.

  • size: The VM (instance) size. Use the list_vm_sizes method to see what sizes are available.

  • config: The VM or scaleset configuration. See 'Details' below for how to specify this. The default is to use an Ubuntu Data Science Virtual Machine.

  • managed_identity: For create_vm, whether the VM should have a managed identity attached.

  • datadisks: Any data disks to attach to the VM or scaleset. See 'Details' below.

  • instances: For create_vm_scaleset, the initial number of instances in the scaleset.

  • ... For the subscription methods, any of the other arguments listed here, which will be passed to the resource group method. For the resource group method, additional arguments to pass to the VM/scaleset configuration functions vm_config and vmss_config. See the examples below.

  • ⁠template,parameters⁠: The template definition and parameters to deploy. By default, these are constructed from the values of the other arguments, but you can supply your own template and/or parameters as well.

  • wait: Whether to wait until the deployment is complete.

  • mode: The template deployment mode. If "Complete", any existing resources in the resource group will be deleted.


These methods deploy a template to create a new virtual machine or scaleset.

The config argument can be specified in the following ways:

  • As the name of a supplied VM or scaleset configuration, like "ubuntu_dsvm" or "ubuntu_dsvm_ss". AzureVM comes with a number of supplied configurations to deploy commonly used images, which can be seen at vm_config and vmss_config. Any arguments in ... will be passed to the configuration, allowing you to customise the deployment.

  • As a call to the vm_config or vmss_config functions, to deploy a custom VM image.

  • As an object of class vm_config or vmss_config.

The data disks for the VM can be specified as either a vector of numeric disk sizes in GB, or as a list of datadisk_config objects, created via calls to the datadisk_config function. Currently, AzureVM only supports creating data disks at deployment time for single VMs, not scalesets.

You can also supply your own template definition and parameters for deployment, via the template and parameters arguments. See AzureRMR::az_template for information how to create templates.

The AzureRMR::az_subscription methods will by default create the VM in exclusive mode, meaning a new resource group is created solely to hold the VM or scaleset. This simplifies managing the VM considerably; in particular deleting the resource group will also automatically delete all the deployed resources.


For create_vm, an object of class az_vm_template representing the created VM. For create_vm_scaleset, an object of class az_vmss_template representing the scaleset.

See Also

az_vm_template, az_vmss_template

vm_config, vmss_config, user_config, datadisk_config

AzureRMR::az_subscription, AzureRMR::az_resource_group, Data Science Virtual Machine


## Not run: 

sub <- AzureRMR::get_azure_login()$

# default Ubuntu 18.04 VM:
# SSH key login, Standard_DS3_v2, publicly accessible via SSH
sub$create_vm("myubuntuvm", user_config("myname", "~/.ssh/"),

# Windows Server 2019, with a 500GB datadisk attached, not publicly accessible
sub$create_vm("mywinvm", user_config("myname", password="Use-strong-passwords!"),
              size="Standard_DS4_v2", config="windows_2019", datadisks=500, ip=NULL,

# Ubuntu DSVM, GPU-enabled
sub$create_vm("mydsvm", user_config("myname", "~/.ssh/"), size="Standard_NC12",

## custom VM configuration: Windows 10 Pro 1903 with data disks
## this assumes you have a valid Win10 desktop license
user <- user_config("myname", password="Use-strong-passwords!")
image <- image_config(
datadisks <- list(
    datadisk_config(250, type="Premium_LRS"),
    datadisk_config(1000, type="Standard_LRS")
nsg <- nsg_config(
config <- vm_config(
sub$create_vm("mywin10vm", user, size="Standard_DS2_v2", config=config,

# default Ubuntu scaleset:
# load balancer and autoscaler enabled, Standard_DS1_v2
sub$create_vm_scaleset("mydsvmss", user_config("myname", "~/.ssh/"),

# Ubuntu DSVM scaleset with public GPU-enabled instances, no load balancer or autoscaler
sub$create_vm_scaleset("mydsvmss", user_config("myname", "~/.ssh/"),
                       instances=5, size="Standard_NC12", config="ubuntu_dsvm_ss",
                       load_balancer=NULL, autoscaler=NULL,

# RHEL scaleset, allow http/https access
sub$create_vm_scaleset("myrhelss", user_config("myname", "~/.ssh/"),
                        instances=5, config="rhel_8_ss",
                        nsg=nsg_config(list(nsg_rule_allow_http, nsg_rule_allow_https)),

# Large Debian scaleset, using low-priority (spot) VMs
# need to set the instance size to something that supports low-pri
sub$create_vm_scaleset("mydebss", user_config("myname", "~/.ssh/"),
                       instances=50, size="Standard_DS3_v2", config="debian_9_backports_ss",
                       options=scaleset_options(priority="spot", large_scaleset=TRUE),

## VM and scaleset in the same resource group and virtual network
# first, create the resgroup
rg <- sub$create_resource_group("rgname", "australiaeast")

# create the master
rg$create_vm("mastervm", user_config("myname", "~/.ssh/"))

# get the vnet resource
vnet <- rg$get_resource(type="Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks", name="mastervm-vnet")

# create the scaleset
rg$create_vm_scaleset("slavess", user_config("myname", "~/.ssh/"),
                      instances=5, vnet=vnet, nsg=NULL, load_balancer=NULL, autoscaler=NULL)

## End(Not run)

Defunct methods


Defunct methods



These methods for the az_subscription and az_resource_group classes are defunct in AzureVM 2.0. To work with virtual machine clusters, call the get_vm_scaleset, create_vm_scaleset and delete_vm_scaleset methods instead.

Delete virtual machine


Method for the AzureRMR::az_subscription and AzureRMR::az_resource_group classes.


## R6 method for class 'az_resource_group'
delete_vm(name, confirm = TRUE, free_resources = TRUE)

## R6 method for class 'az_subscription'
delete_vm(name, confirm = TRUE, free_resources = TRUE,
          resource_group = name)

## R6 method for class 'az_resource_group'
delete_vm_scaleset(name, confirm = TRUE, free_resources = TRUE)

## R6 method for class 'az_subscription'
delete_vm_scaleset(name, confirm = TRUE, free_resources = TRUE,
                  resource_group = name)


  • name: The name of the VM or scaleset.

  • confirm: Whether to confirm the delete.

  • free_resources: If this was a deployed template, whether to free all resources created during the deployment process.

  • resource_group: For the AzureRMR::az_subscription method, the resource group containing the VM or scaleset.


For the subscription methods, deleting the VM or scaleset will also delete its resource group.

See Also

create_vm, az_vm_template, az_vm_resource, AzureRMR::az_subscription, AzureRMR::az_resource_group


## Not run: 

sub <- AzureRMR::get_azure_login()$


## End(Not run)

Get existing virtual machine(s)


Method for the AzureRMR::az_subscription and AzureRMR::az_resource_group classes.


## R6 method for class 'az_subscription'
get_vm(name, resource_group = name)

## R6 method for class 'az_resource_group'

## R6 method for class 'az_subscription'
get_vm_scaleset(name, resource_group = name)

## R6 method for class 'az_resource_group'

## R6 method for class 'az_resource_group')


  • name: The name of the VM or scaleset.

  • resource_group: For the az_subscription methods, the resource group in which get_vm() and get_vm_scaleset() will look for the VM or scaleset. Defaults to the VM name.


For get_vm(), an object representing the VM deployment. This will include other resources besides the VM itself, such as the network interface, virtual network, etc.

For get_vm_scaleset(), an object representing the scaleset deployment. Similarly to get_vm(), this includes other resources besides the scaleset.

For get_vm_resource() and get_vm_scaleset_resource(), the VM or scaleset resource itself.

See Also

az_vm_template, az_vm_resource, az_vmss_template, az_vmss_resource for the methods available for working with VMs and VM scalesets.

AzureRMR::az_subscription, AzureRMR::az_resource_group


## Not run: 

sub <- AzureRMR::get_azure_login()$


rg <- sub$get_resource_group("rgname")

## End(Not run)

Public IP address configuration


Public IP address configuration


ip_config(type = NULL, dynamic = NULL, ipv6 = FALSE,
  domain_name = "[parameters('vmName')]", ...)



The SKU of the IP address resource: "basic" or "standard". If NULL (the default), this will be determined based on the VM's configuration.


Whether the IP address should be dynamically or statically allocated. Note that the standard SKU only supports standard allocation. If NULL (the default) this will be determined based on the VM's configuration.


Whether to create an IPv6 address. The default is IPv4.


The domain name label to associate with the address.


Other named arguments that will be treated as resource properties.

See Also

create_vm, vm_config, vmss_config


ip_config(type="basic", dynamic=TRUE)

# if you don't want a domain name associated with the IP address

Is an object an Azure VM


Is an object an Azure VM










an R object.


is_vm and is_vm_template return TRUE for an object representing a virtual machine deployment (which will include other resources besides the VM itself).

is_vm_resource returns TRUE for an object representing the specific VM resource.

is_vm_scaleset and is_vm_scaleset_template return TRUE for an object representing a VM scaleset deployment.

is_vm_scaleset_resource returns TRUE for an object representing the specific VM scaleset resource.

See Also

create_vm, create_vm_scaleset, az_vm_template, az_vm_resource, az_vmss_template, az_vmss_resource

Load balancer configuration


Load balancer configuration


lb_config(type = NULL, rules = list(), probes = list(), ...)

lb_probe(name, port, interval = 5, fail_on = 2, protocol = "Tcp")

lb_rule(name, frontend_port, backend_port = frontend_port,
  protocol = "Tcp", timeout = 5, floating_ip = FALSE, probe_name)



The SKU of the load balancer resource: "basic" or "standard". If NULL (the default), this will be determined based on the VM scaleset's configuration. Note that the load balancer SKU must be the same as that of its public IP address.


A list of load balancer rules, each obtained via a call to lb_rule.


A list of health checking probes, each obtained via a call to lb_probe. There must be a probe corresponding to each rule.


Other named arguments that will be treated as resource properties.


For lb_rule, a name for the load balancing rule.


For lb_probe, the port to probe.


For lb_probe, the time interval between probes in seconds.


For lb_probe, the probe health check will fail after this many non-responses.


For lb_probe and lb_rule, the protocol: either "Tcp" or "Ip".

frontend_port, backend_port

For lb_rule, the ports for this rule.


The timeout interval for the rule. The default is 5 minutes.


Whether to use floating IP addresses (direct server return). Only needed for specific scenarios, and when the frontend and backend ports don't match.


The name of the corresponding health check probe.

See Also

create_vm_scaleset, vmss_config, lb_rules for some predefined load balancing rules and probes


    rules=list(lb_rule_ssh, lb_rule_rdp),
    probes=list(lb_probe_ssh, lb_probe_rdp)

Load balancing rules


Load balancing rules



















Objects of class lb_rule and lb_probe.

An object of class lb_rule of length 2.

An object of class lb_rule of length 2.

An object of class lb_rule of length 2.

An object of class lb_rule of length 2.

An object of class lb_rule of length 2.

An object of class lb_rule of length 2.

An object of class lb_rule of length 2.

An object of class lb_probe of length 2.

An object of class lb_probe of length 2.

An object of class lb_probe of length 2.

An object of class lb_probe of length 2.

An object of class lb_probe of length 2.

An object of class lb_probe of length 2.

An object of class lb_probe of length 2.

An object of class lb_probe of length 2.


Some predefined load balancing objects, for commonly used ports. Each load balancing rule comes with its own health probe.

  • HTTP: TCP port 80

  • HTTPS: TCP port 443

  • JupyterHub: TCP port 8000

  • RDP: TCP port 3389

  • RStudio Server: TCP port 8787

  • SSH: TCP port 22

  • SQL Server: TCP port 1433

  • SQL Server browser service: TCP port 1434

See Also


List available VM sizes


Method for the AzureRMR::az_subscription and AzureRMR::az_resource_group classes.


## R6 method for class 'az_subscription'
list_vm_sizes(location, name_only = FALSE)

## R6 method for class 'az_resource_group'
list_vm_sizes(name_only = FALSE)


  • location: For the subscription class method, the location/region for which to obtain available VM sizes.

  • name_only: Whether to return only a vector of names, or all information on each VM size.


If name_only is TRUE, a character vector of names, suitable for passing to create_vm. If FALSE, a data frame containing the following information for each VM size: the name, number of cores, OS disk size, resource disk size, memory, and maximum data disks.

See Also



## Not run: 

sub <- AzureRMR::get_azure_login$


# same output as above
rg <- sub$create_resource_group("rgname", location="australiaeast")

## End(Not run)

Network interface configuration


Network interface configuration


nic_config(nic_ip = list(nic_ip_config()), ...)

nic_ip_config(name = "ipconfig", private_alloc = "dynamic",
  subnet = "[variables('subnetId')]",
  public_address = "[variables('ipId')]", ...)



For nic_config, a list of IP configuration objects, each obtained via a call to nic_ip_config.


Other named arguments that will be treated as resource properties.


For nic_ip_config, the name of the IP configuration.


For nic_ip_config, the allocation method for a private IP address. Can be "dynamic" or "static".


For nic_ip_config, the subnet to associate with this private IP address.


For nic_ip_config, the public IP address. Defaults to the public IP address created or used as part of this VM deployment. Ignored if the deployment does not include a public address.

See Also

create_vm, vm_config



Network security group configuration


Network security group configuration


nsg_config(rules = list(), ...)

nsg_rule(name, dest_port = "*", dest_addr = "*", dest_asgs = NULL,
  source_port = "*", source_addr = "*", source_asgs = NULL,
  access = "allow", direction = "inbound", protocol = "Tcp",
  priority = NULL)



for nsg_config, a list of security rule objects, each obtained via a call to nsg_rule.


Other named arguments that will be treated as resource properties.


For nsg_rule, a name for the rule.

dest_port, dest_addr, dest_asgs

For nsg_rule, the destination port, address range, and application security groups for a rule.

source_port, source_addr, source_asgs

For nsg_rule, the source port, address range, and application security groups for a rule.


For nsg_rule, the action to take: "allow" or "deny".


For nsg_rule, the direction of traffic: "inbound" or "outbound".


For nsg_rule, the network protocol: either "Tcp" or "Udp".


For nsg_rule, the rule priority. If NULL, this will be set automatically by AzureVM.

See Also

create_vm, vm_config, vmss_config, nsg_rules for some predefined security rules


nsg_config(list(nsg_rule_allow_ssh))  # for Linux
nsg_config(list(nsg_rule_allow_rdp))  # for Windows
nsg_config(list(nsg_rule_allow_http, nsg_rule_allow_https))

# a custom rule

Network security rules


Network security rules











Objects of class nsg_rule.

An object of class nsg_rule of length 2.

An object of class nsg_rule of length 2.

An object of class nsg_rule of length 2.

An object of class nsg_rule of length 2.

An object of class nsg_rule of length 2.

An object of class nsg_rule of length 2.

An object of class nsg_rule of length 2.


Some predefined network security rule objects, to unblock commonly used ports.

  • HTTP: TCP port 80

  • HTTPS: TCP port 443

  • JupyterHub: TCP port 8000

  • RDP: TCP port 3389

  • RStudio Server: TCP port 8787

  • SSH: TCP port 22

  • SQL Server: TCP port 1433

  • SQL Server browser service: TCP port 1434

See Also


Virtual machine scaleset options


Virtual machine scaleset options


scaleset_options(keylogin = TRUE, managed_identity = TRUE,
  public = FALSE, priority = c("regular", "spot"),
  delete_on_evict = FALSE, network_accel = FALSE, large_scaleset = FALSE,
  overprovision = TRUE, upgrade_policy = list(mode = "manual"),
  os_disk_type = c("Premium_LRS", "StandardSSD_LRS", "Standard_LRS"))



Whether to use an SSH public key to login (TRUE) or a password (FALSE). Note that Windows does not support SSH key logins.


Whether to provide a managed system identity for the VM.


Whether the instances (nodes) of the scaleset should be visible from the public internet.


The priority of the VM scaleset, either regular or spot. Spot VMs are considerably cheaper but subject to eviction if other, higher-priority workloads require compute resources.


If spot-priority VMs are being used, whether evicting (shutting down) a VM should delete it, as opposed to just deallocating it.


Whether to enable accelerated networking. This option is only available for certain VM sizes.


Whether to enable scaleset sizes > 100 instances.


Whether to overprovision the scaleset on creation.


A list, giving the VM upgrade policy for the scaleset.


The type of primary disk for the VM. Change this to "StandardSSD_LRS" or "Standard_LRS" if the VM size doesn't support premium storage.

Resource configuration functions for a virtual machine deployment


Resource configuration functions for a virtual machine deployment


user_config(username, sshkey = NULL, password = NULL)

datadisk_config(size, name = "datadisk", create = "empty",
  type = c("StandardSSD_LRS", "Premium_LRS", "Standard_LRS", "UltraSSD_LRS"),
  write_accelerator = FALSE)

image_config(publisher = NULL, offer = NULL, sku = NULL,
  version = "latest", id = NULL)



For user_config, the name for the admin user account.


For user_config, the SSH public key. This can be supplied in a number of ways: as a string with the key itself; the name of the public key file; or an AzureRMR::az_resource object pointing to an SSH public key resource (of type "Microsoft.Compute/sshPublicKeys"). See the examples below.


For user_config, the admin password. Supply either sshkey or password, but not both; also, note that Windows does not support SSH logins.


For datadisk_config, the size of the data disk in GB. St this to NULL for a disk that will be created from an image.


For datadisk_config, the disk name. Duplicate names will automatically be disambiguated prior to VM deployment.


For datadisk_config, the creation method. Can be "empty" (the default) to create a blank disk, or "fromImage" to use an image.


For datadisk_config, the disk type (SKU). Can be "Standard_LRS", "StandardSSD_LRS" (the default), "Premium_LRS" or "UltraSSD_LRS". Of these, "Standard_LRS" uses hard disks and the others use SSDs as the underlying hardware.


For datadisk_config, whether the disk should have write acceleration enabled.

publisher, offer, sku, version

For image_config, the details for a marketplace image.


For image_config, the resource ID for a disk to use as a custom image.


## Not run: 

## user_config: SSH public key resource in Azure
# create the resource
keyres <- rg$create_resource(type="Microsoft.Compute/sshPublicKeys", name="mysshkey")

# generate the public and private keys
keys <- keyres$do_operation("generateKeyPair", http_verb="POST")

# save the private key (IMPORTANT)
writeBin(keys$privateKey, "mysshkey.pem")

# create a new VM using the public key resource for authentication
# you can then login to the VM with ssh -i mysshkey.pem <username@vmaddress>
rg$create_vm("myvm", user_config("username", sshkey=keyres), config="ubuntu_20.04")

## user_config: SSH public key as a file
rg$create_vm("myvm", user_config("username", sshkey=""), config="ubuntu_20.04")

## user_config: SSH public key as a string (read from a file)
pubkey <- readLines("")
rg$create_vm("myvm", user_config("username", sshkey=pubkey), config="ubuntu_20.04")

## End(Not run)

Virtual network configuration


Virtual network configuration


vnet_config(address_space = "", subnets = list(subnet_config()),

subnet_config(name = "subnet", addresses = "",
  nsg = "[variables('nsgId')]", ...)



For vnet_config, the address range accessible by the virtual network, expressed in CIDR block format.


For vnet_config, a list of subnet objects, each obtained via a call to subnet_config.


Other named arguments that will be treated as resource properties.


For subnet_config, the name of the subnet. Duplicate names will automatically be disambiguated prior to VM deployment.


For subnet_config, the address ranges spanned by this subnet. Must be a subset of the address space available to the parent virtual network.


The network security group associated with this subnet. Defaults to the NSG created as part of this VM deployment.

See Also

create_vm, vm_config, vmss_config


    subnet_config("subnet", "")