Changes in version 2.2.2 (2020-10-14) - Change maintainer email address. Changes in version 2.2.1 (2020-08-02) - Hotfix to previous version, to export windows_2019_gen2 and windows_2019_gen2_ss configuration functions. Changes in version 2.2.0 (2020-07-28) - Add ability to retrieve an SSH public key from an Azure resource object. See ?user_config for more information. - New predefined configurations for VMs and VM scalesets: Ubuntu 20.04; Debian 10 (w/backports); Centos 8.1; RHEL 8.1 and 8.2; Windows Server 2019. All new configurations except Centos are available as both generation 1 and generation 2 VMs. See ?vm_config and ?vmss_config for more information. - The default configuration for create_vm and create_vm_scaleset now uses Ubuntu 20.04. - Update the DSVM configuration functions ubuntu_dsvm and windows_dsvm to use the latest images. The Ubuntu DSVM no longer has a built-in data disk, so the dsvm_disk_type argument has been removed. - New ubuntu_dsvm_gen2 configuration to create a gen2 Ubuntu DSVM. - Fix a bug that prevented Windows scalesets from being created. - Logic to detect a running VM now correctly handles VMs that are updating. - Assorted other minor fixes. Changes in version 2.1.1 (2020-02-06) - Require R6 2.4.1, which is needed to allow cloning of active bindings in R 4.0. - The low_priority argument to scaleset_options is now simply priority, with a default of "regular" and an alternative of "spot". Spot VMs are the replacement for low-priority VMs; seee this page for more details. Note that you can use the same argument to create a single (non-scaleset) spot VM, with create_vm(*, properties=list(priority="spot")). Changes in version 2.1.0 (2019-11-03) - VM scalesets can now be created with data disks. - Make OS disk type and Linux DSVM data disk type selectable, with a default of "Premium_LRS" for both. - Background process pool functionality moved into AzureRMR; this removes code duplication and makes it available for other packages that can benefit. - managed argument to create_vm/vmss, vm/vmss_config and related methods changed to managed_identity, to make its meaning clearer. Due to partial matching of function arguments, this should not affect any user code. Changes in version 2.0.1 (2019-08-27) - Add methods to retrieve Azure resources used by a VM: get_disk, get_vnet, get_nic, get_nsg, get_public_ip_resource. These return objects of class AzureRMR::az_resource, or NULL if not present. - Add similar methods to retrieve Azure resources used by a scaleset: get_vnet, get_nsg, get_public_ip_resource, get_load_balancer, get_autoscaler. - Add redeploy and reimage methods for VMs, to match those for VM scalesets. - Fix error in documentation for VMSS public IP address methods: these return NA, not NULL if the public address is unavailable. Changes in version 2.0.0 (2019-06-19) - Complete rewrite of package, to be less DSVM-centric and more flexible: - Separate out deployment of VMs and VM clusters; the latter are implemented as scalesets, rather than simplistic arrays of individual VMs. The methods to work with scalesets are named get_vm_scaleset, create_vm_scaleset and delete_vm_scaleset; get/create/delete_vm_cluster are now defunct. - New UI for VM/scaleset creation, with many more ways to fine-tune the deployment options, including specifying the base VM image; networking details like security rules, load balancers and autoscaling; datadisks to attach; use of low-priority VMs for scalesets; etc. - Several predefined configurations supplied to allow quick deployment of commonly used images (Ubuntu, Windows Server, RHEL, Debian, Centos, DSVM). - Allow referring to existing resources in a deployment (eg placing VMs into an existing vnet), by supplying AzureRMR::az_resource objects as arguments. - Clear distinction between a VM deployment template and a resource. get_vm and get_vm_scaleset will always attempt to retrieve the template; to get the resource, use get_vm_resource and get_vm_scaleset_resource. - New VM resource methods: get_public_ip_address, get_private_ip_address. - New cluster/scaleset resource methods: get_public_ip_address (technically the address for the load balancer, if present), get_vm_public_ip_addresses, get_vm_private_ip_addresses, list_instances, get_instance. - Use a pool of background processes to talk to scalesets in parallel when carrying out instance operations. The pool size can be controlled with the global options azure_vm_minpoolsize and azure_vm_maxpoolsize. - See the README and/or the vignette for more information. Changes in version 1.0.1 - Allow resource group and subscription accessor methods to work without AzureVM on the search path. Changes in version 1.0.0 (2018-12-25) - Submitted to CRAN Changes in version 0.9.0 - Moved to cloudyr organisation