--- title: "AzureStor 2.0 client generics and methods" author: Hong Ooi output: rmarkdown::html_vignette vignette: > %\VignetteIndexEntry{AzureStor generics} %\VignetteEngine{knitr::rmarkdown} %\VignetteEncoding{utf8} --- AzureStor 1.0 defined several functions for working with storage, which were specific to each storage type: blob, file or ADLSgen2. AzureStor 2.0 organises these functions into a consistent framework, using S3 generics and methods. The client framework for AzureStor 2.0 is described here. While the original interface is still supported, it's recommended that you use the new framework as it protects against specifying the wrong function for a given storage type. ## Storage endpoints and containers The `storage_endpoint` creates a storage endpoint object based on the URL specified. The `blob_endpoint`, `file_endpoint` and `adls_endpoint` functions do the same thing, but require that the URL and the function match. ```r # generic endpoint function: storage type inferred from URL storage_endpoint("https://mystorage.blob.core.windows.net/", ...) # blob endpoint storage_endpoint("https://mystorage.file.core.windows.net/", ...) # file endpoint storage_endpoint("https://mystorage.dfs.core.windows.net/", ...) # ADLSgen2 endpoint # storage-type-specific functions blob_endpoint("https://mystorage.blob.core.windows.net/", ...) # blob endpoint file_endpoint("https://mystorage.file.core.windows.net/", ...) # file endpoint adls_endpoint("https://mystorage.dfs.core.windows.net/", ...) # ADLSgen2 endpoint # error: using the wrong function for a given storage type # this is not possible with the new framework file_endpoint("https://mystorage.blob.core.windows.net/") ``` The following generics are for managing storage containers, given a storage endpoint of a given type (blob, file or ADLSgen2): - `storage_container`: get a storage container - `create_storage_container` - `delete_storage_container` - `list_storage_containers` In turn these dispatch to the following lower-level functions for each type of storage: | Generic | Blob | File | ADLS2 | | ------- | ---- | ---- | ----- | | `storage_container` | `blob_container` | `file_share` | `adls_filesystem` | | `create_storage_container` | `create_blob_container` | `create_file_share` | `create_adls_filesystem` | | `delete_storage_container` | `delete_blob_container` | `delete_file_share` | `delete_adls_filesystem` | | `list_storage_containers` | `list_blob_containers` | `list_file_shares` | `list_adls_filesystems` | ```r # example of working with containers (blob storage) bl_endp_key <- storage_endpoint("https://mystorage.blob.core.windows.net/", key="mykey") list_storage_containers(bl_endp_key) cont <- storage_container(bl_endp, "mycontainer") newcont <- create_storage_container(bl_endp, "newcontainer") delete_storage_container(newcont) # you can also call the lower-level functions directly if desired bl_endp_key <- blob_endpoint("https://mystorage.blob.core.windows.net/", key="mykey") list_blob_containers(bl_endp_key) cont <- blob_container(bl_endp, "mycontainer") newcont <- create_blob_container(bl_endp, "newcontainer") delete_blob_container(newcont) # error: using the wrong function for a given storage type # this is not possible with the new framework list_file_shares(bl_endp_key) ``` ## Files and blobs The following generics are for working with objects within a storage container: - `list_storage_files`: list files/blobs in a directory (for ADLSgen2 and file storage) or blob container - `create_storage_dir`: for ADLSgen2 and file storage, create a directory - `delete_storage_dir`: for ADLSgen2 and file storage, delete a directory - `delete_storage_file`: delete a file or blob - `storage_upload`/`storage_download`: transfer a file to or from a storage container - `storage_multiupload`/`storage_multidownload`: transfer multiple files in parallel to or from a storage container As before, these dispatch to a family of lower-level functions for each type of storage: | Generic | Blob | File | ADLS2 | | ------- | ---- | ---- | ----- | | `list_storage_files` | `list_blobs` | `list_azure_files` | `list_adls_files` | | `create_storage_dir` | N/A | `create_azure_dir` | `create_adls_dir` | | `delete_storage_dir` | N/A | `delete_azure_dir` | `delete_adls_dir` | | `delete_storage_file` | `delete_blob` | `delete_azure_file` | `delete_adls_file` | | `storage_upload` | `upload_blob` | `upload_azure_file` | `upload_adls_file` | | `storage_download` | `download_blob` | `download_azure_file` | `download_adls_file` | | `storage_multiupload` | `multiupload_blob` | `multiupload_azure_file` | `multiupload_adls_file` | | `storage_multidownload` | `multidownload_blob` | `multidownload_azure_file` | `multidownload_adls_file` | | `copy_url_to_storage` | `copy_url_to_blob` | N/A | N/A | | `multicopy_url_to_storage` | `multicopy_url_to_blob` | N/A | N/A | ```r # example workflow with generics (blob storage) cont <- storage_container(bl_endp, "mycontainer") list_storage_files(cont) storage_upload(cont, "description.txt", "description") storage_multiupload(cont, "*.tar.gz") # using lower-level functions cont <- blob_container(bl_endp, "mycontainer") list_blobs(cont) upload_blob(cont, "description.txt", "description") multiupload_blob(cont, "*.tar.gz") ```